Let’s give credit where credit is due…. Punk Rock is the product of Jewry! #ThanksJews In alignment with the Jewish Talmud… All Gentile children are animals.” -Talmud (Yebamoth 98a) And in harmony with the Jewish “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”… Seduce & demoralize the youth with false doctrines.” -Protocols And in accords with the […]
Posts Tagged ‘punks’
Sam Hyde Punks iDubbbz
By all accounts, the new Matrix movie ‘Resurrections’ seems like one to steer clear of. With poor initial reviews, and now the revelations that woke writers have become bothered by ‘right wingers’ using the phrase ‘red pilled’ and have attempted to reclaim it by injecting their own political ideologies into the new script. RT reports […]
Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Nazi Punks on the Ski Slopes
ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]
Tyrannical Punks Are Feeling Lucky
Vitamin Mineral Fusion Limited Advanced Release 59.95 53.95 Selling Out Fast! Start giving your body the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial compounds that it needs for optimum health.* https://assets.infowars.com/2020/02/vitamin_mineral_fusion.jpg https://www.infowarsstore.com/health-and-wellness/infowars-life/vitamin-mineral-fusion?ims=theon&utm_campaign=vmfelectionsellingout&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=Banner&utm_content=vmfelectionsellingout https://www.infowarsstore.com/health-and-wellness/infowars-life/vitamin-mineral-fusion?ims=theon&utm_campaign=vmfelectionsellingout&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=Banner&utm_content=vmfelectionsellingout Bodease 59.95 53.95 Selling Out Fast! This is the ultimate turmeric and inflammatory support product on the market. https://assets.infowars.com/2020/02/bodeasethumb.jpg https://www.infowarsstore.com/bodease?ims=rckdx&utm_campaign=bodeaseelectionsellingout&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=Banner&utm_content=bodeaseelectionsellingout https://www.infowarsstore.com/bodease?ims=rckdx&utm_campaign=bodeaseelectionsellingout&utm_source=Infowars+Widget&utm_medium=Banner&utm_content=bodeaseelectionsellingout […]
‘Greenie punks’: MP won’t back down over gun-toting ‘Dirty Harry’ Facebook post
George Christensen posted a photo of himself holding a pistol at a rifle range Sunday alongside the comment: “You gotta ask yourself, do you feel lucky, greenie punks?” The Nationals MP later said the Dirty Harry-style post, which has now been deleted, had been intended as a joke and was removed only after a request […]
Rabbi Lerner Watch Your Language
By Gilad Atzmon Can you imagine the Archbishop of Canterbury using the word ‘asshole?’ Can you imagine a supreme Islamic cleric referring to an intellectual in this manner? Rabbi Michael Lerner, the man who used Muhammad Ali’s funeral as a Jewish propaganda podium, wrote to me yesterday: “Wake up, asshole–you are spreading lies and deceit […]
Another Palestinian executed in Al-Khalil
Days of Palestine, West Bank –Israeli occupation forces have just executed new Palestinian youths near Al-Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil, West Bank. “The Palestinian was passing near the Mosque, when the Israeli troops called at him and immediately, without pre-warning, shot him,” an eyewitness said. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Witnesses said that the […]