Recent days have brought unmistakable signs that Israel is becoming a hot potato issue inside the Democratic base, and on Saturday Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon was repeatedly put on the defensive at a town hall at a Portland high school for his support of the Anti Israel Boycott Act, which would criminalize some forms […]
Posts Tagged ‘pummeled’
‘Pummeled’ at town hall, Sen. Wyden says Anti Israel Boycott law is needed because ‘movement has grown’
Muslim THUG Punches White Bus Driver, Allah Forgot To Teach Him ONE Huge Thing
Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– A video is going viral that shows a Muslim getting his arse handed to him by a white bus driver. The Muslim punches the unsuspecting driver and then the driver proceeds to pummel the idiot. This is awesome. Enjoy the video! That Muslim got taught a big lesson in life. Muslims […]