Even though COVID did NOT cause an apocalypse, everyone is still alive and well with just a few deaths here and there mislabeled as “covid deaths” and with the world population still growing like usual……. the old new 2019 virus allegedly “returns”…. lockdowns and psychosis again….. over what? Over a mild flu? If this isnt […]
Posts Tagged ‘psychotic’
The Old New 2019 virus returns again… proof of how Psychotic the World has Become
Pelosi Attack Suspect David DePape Was a Psychotic Homeless Addict Estranged from His Pedophile Lover & Their Children
The one about DePape being a conservative… Source Views: 0
Warning: Young children now prescribed dangerous “bi-polar” anti-psychotic drugs that cause Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) and suicide
(Natural News) If your child is suffering from “full spectrum movement dysfunction” or “neuroleptic malignant syndrome” (NMS), then it’s most likely due to the “bi-polar” anti-psychotic medications he/she is receiving based on a false diagnosis by a shrink. NMS is a life-threatening “reaction” to psychotropic drugs, and symptoms or “side effects” include high fever, altered… […]
Pelosi’s Bizarre SOTU Behavior May Be Result of Mind-Altering Drugs For ‘Psychotic’ Disorder
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre hand and mouth movements witnessed during the State of the Union address this week may be the result of a rare psychotic and neurological disorder, according to a source familiar with the disease. Whatever it was that Joe Biden said during SOTU was not as memorable as the involuntary and […]
jew Jim Cramer Demands Mandatory Vaxx for All Americans, Calls Unvaxxed “Psychotic”
“The federal government needs to require vaccines, including booster shots, for everyone in America by, say, January 1st.” This rant is absolutely insane. This genocidal jew wants to kill and maim the masses. Share now! Source Views: 0
Report to the President: The Psychotic and Deceptive jewish Manipulations of Elie Wiesel
From USHMM – On November 1, 1978, President Jimmy Carter established the President’s Commission on the Holocaust and charged it with the responsibility to submit a report “with respect to the establishment and maintenance of an appropriate memorial to those who perished in the holocaust.” The Commission, chaired by Elie Wiesel, consisted of 34 members […]
North Korea slams EU sanctions as ‘psychotic’
North Korea slammed EU sanctions imposed against its senior officials earlier this week as a “despicable political provocation” and the result of “a psychotic way of thinking”. The EU Council said Monday it will slap sanctions on a dozen individuals and four entities in six countries – including China, Russia and North Korea – for […]
Natural Magic
Natural health works! Provided the following principles and mindset are in place: [some of these points overlap] 1. Box Clever The individual must be prepared to put in the effort – do the exercises, be disciplined with diet, reduce physical strains and stresses, etc. If one goes to see any practitioner – be it a nutritionist, […]
‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"
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Hospital Refuses Tubal Ligation Because of Catholic Religion
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals December 31, 2015 The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit again Dignity Health (DH) on behalf of Physicians for Reproductive Health (PRH) and Rebecca Chamorro for refusing to perform a tubal ligation at Mercy Medical Center (MMC). Chamorro was […]