Floridians statewide will soon see an ad showing the results of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) leadership in the Sunshine State, with residents thanking him for standing firm in the face of opposition, first lady Casey DeSantis (R) announced on Tuesday. Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘protected’
Ron DeSantis Ad: ‘You Protected Our Right to Worship Together in Person’
Israel’s visible violence is protected by its own impunity
When Israel’s violations are caught on camera, it seeks to scapegoat the identifiable individuals only in order to safeguard the state’s institutions. Israeli media quoting the Israeli Defence Forces’ Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi concerning the recent (and normal) brutality of soldiers beating up Palestinian detainees must be seen within the context of visibility, rather […]
Israel’s visible violence is protected by its own impunity
When Israel’s violations are caught on camera, it seeks to scapegoat the identifiable individuals only in order to safeguard the state’s institutions. Israeli media quoting the Israeli Defence Forces’ Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi concerning the recent (and normal) brutality of soldiers beating up Palestinian detainees must be seen within the context of visibility, rather […]
Survey: 52% of Palestinians believe their personal data isn’t protected adequately
A new survey has found that 52 percent of Palestinians believe that their privacy and personal data lacks protection, and that Palestinian and Israeli authorities, along with telecommunication companies are some of the primary actors when it comes to violations of data and protection rights. Source Views: 0
British Gentlemen Drank From Moustache Cups that Protected Their Facial Hair
The attitude to facial hair throughout history has been exceptionally fickle, and the moustache is no exception. As fashions have come and gone, so too have the tools and accessories for grooming Read more Section: News Weird Facts Read Later Views: 0
California Court Rules Bees Are ‘Fish’ Protected by Endangered Species Act
A three-judge California state appellate court ruled on Tuesday that bees are in fact “fish” protected under the state’s Endangered Species Act. Views: 0
School Security Features Protected Shooter, Slowed Texas Police Response
Some of the features designed to keep students safe in an active shooter situation actually worked to protect the shooter and slow the Uvalde police response to the Texas school shooting on Tuesday. The shooter managed to barricade himself behind two locked doors, forcing police to wait to find keys. Views: 0
Pope Francis: Migrants Are Not ‘a Virus from Which We Need to Be Protected’
ROME — Pope Francis called for greater openness to migrants Saturday, appealing for a change of narrative from the primacy of national security to the primacy of welcome. Addressing civil authorities on the first day of his visit to the island nation of Malta, the pontiff urged his hearers to open their hearts and “rediscover […]
Pompeii Ruins Now To Be Protected by Robotic Guard Dog
Meet Spot, the robotic guard dog now patrolling the ruins of Pompeii. In 2013, Pompeii was declared by UNESCO as being on the verge of being declared unsafe unless Italian authorities spent more money on security and site inspection. Spot the robotic guard dog costed the Italians 75,000 dollars (67,000 euros) but considering what the […]
Massive Child Sex Trafficking Ring Busted – Protected by Police for Decades in Exchange for Sex Sex With the Victims
Six sex traffickers were arrested this week for running a Queens-based sex trafficking ring which trafficked young women and children from Mexico into the US. One of those indicted in Brooklyn federal court was a Putnam County police officer who was protecting, not the children, but the child sex traffickers — in exchange for sex […]
Facebook says it’s not liable for false “fact checks” used to censor, because they’re “protected opinion”
In court filings, Facebook argued that its “fact checks” are not factual, they are “protected opinion.” John Stossel, a libertarian journalist and author, filed a lawsuit against Facebook, claiming the platform defamed him through a “fact check” label. Facebook added a “misleading” label on a video he posted. Stossel was censored on Facebook and his […]
Use Herbs to Keep Your Family Healthy and Protected
If you want to keep yourself and your family as healthy as possible, stay as close as possible to nature and as far as possible from any pharmacies and hospitals. This lady takes us through a tour of her medicinal plants and what each is used for. Link Share now! Source Views: 0
Top Archbishop: Those Who Fight the ‘New World Order’ Are ‘Protected by God’
Archbishop Vigano has promised that God will protect people who rise up and fight the ‘New World Order’. In a stunning new interview with the Gateway Pundit, Vigano said: “I, you and your twin brother Jim are in my prayers.” “The fact that you are being attacked by the system is proof that you are […]
‘Fed-Protected’ Man Identified As Mystery Instigator Of J6 Capitol Breach
In a House hearing on Thursday, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) questioned AG Merrick Garland about a mysterious man, Ray Epps, instructing protesters to enter the US Capitol building on January 5, and who later shepherded crowds towards the Capitol on January 6. I questioned Attorney General Garland about whether there were Federal Agents present on […]
Biden: Vaccinated People Are ‘Protected’ From Covid And ‘Cannot Spread It’
By Chris Menahan Joe Biden claimed Thursday that he mandated covid shots for nearly everyone through executive fiat because vaccinated people are “protected” from covid and “cannot spread it.” “We’re making sure healthcare workers are vaccinated, because if you seek care at a healthcare facility, you should have the certainty that the people providing that […]
New Report: Thousands of Child Raping Priests Protected by French Catholic Church
The Catholic Church promotes White genocide and rapes children. This cannot be argued at this point. I still cannot understand why some “nationalists” believe E. Michael Jones, Nick Fuentes, and Milo when they try to make the Catholic church seem “based” when it has been used as an instrument of destruction and perversion, both historically […]
Cabal Member Reputations Are Always Protected By Cabal’s Media; the Cabal is Ashkenazi “Jew” of British Empire
™ An “Almost Daily” Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Headlines “We read and rebut their vile crap so you won’t have to!”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.f88235f49a156f8b4cab34c7bc1a0acc.en.html#dnt=false&id=twitter-widget-0&lang=en&original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.realhistorychan.com%2Fanyt-08202021.html&size=l&text=Tom%20Hanks%3A%20Pedo%20and%20Murderer%3F%20-%20The%20Real%20History%20Channel&time=1629512976992&type=share&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.realhistorychan.com%2Fanyt-08202021.htmlhttps://www.facebook.com/v2.10/plugins/share_button.php?app_id=554825478184317&channel=https%3A%2F%2Fstaticxx.facebook.com%2Fx%2Fconnect%2Fxd_arbiter%2F%3Fversion%3D46%23cb%3Df23a28d608470dc%26domain%3Dwww.realhistorychan.com%26is_canvas%3Dfalse%26origin%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.realhistorychan.com%252Ff2de17ab8023fcc%26relation%3Dparent.parent&container_width=77&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.realhistorychan.com%2Fanyt-08202021.html&layout=box_count&locale=en_US&mobile_iframe=false&sdk=joey&size=large *AUGUST 20, 2021 NY Times: Tom Hanks Sells 4 Vehicles From His CollectionREBUTTAL BY The accused Hollyweird pedo-monster Tom Hanks — or maybe “White Hat” […]
Federal judge confuses Zionism with “protected religious class status”
In a recent decision, 303 Creative v. Elenis, a three-judge panel of the federal Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a web designer could not promote her company’s objection to creating websites for same-sex weddings on (Christian) religious grounds without violating Colorado’s anti-discrimination act, or CADA. (The Tenth Circuit includes Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico, […]
Morocco Gas Flows are Now Protected by the US Army
In June, the United States and Morocco cooperated in operation African Lion, the largest ever US military exercise conducted on Africa. Somehow, think tanks around the world did not publish analyses or complaints of American hegemony and aggression, though. Russia’s state-run RT did not launch a special series blaming America for all the problems on […]