Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke Ph.D. said that the problem with the KKK is that in today’s Judaised, corrupt, immoral world anyone can call themselves a Klansman and set up an organization, and for that reason he no longer supports the Klan, albeit it has had many noble and good souls in it over […]
Posts Tagged ‘prorape’
Israeli Jews Begin Cucking Themselves for Blacks
January 19th, 2016 Awake Goy
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer January 19, 2016 The Jews continue to get high on their own supply of crazy juice. The editorial board of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz is now calling for the Blacks to be released from their concentration camps and onto the streets of Tel Aviv. Haaretz: Two years ago, a baby Eritrean girl, […]