Americans with the help of the establishment have decided that Hillary Clinton is a good choice to occupy the White House for the Democrats. The stupidity of the choice arrived at with the help of the presstitute media marks the end of hope of salvaging the world from an impending apocalyptic end. All those who […]
Posts Tagged ‘pride’
50 Dead, 53 Wounded In Orlando Nightclub – Deadliest Mass Shooting In US History
Orlando police warned residents to stay away from the area, and urged people not to call their offices. They declined to provide the number of casualties, saying details will be available later. Bomb sniffing dogs are on the scene. It was the second deadly shooting at an Orlando night spot in as […]
Happy 100th birthday Bernard Lewis!
On the occasion of Bernard Lewis’s 100th birthday we must never overlook the prominent role of Bernard Lewis in hasbara circles and Eurocentric racism. Lewis has dutifully served Western political interests for many decades and brazenly used his scholarship to promote those interests under the guise of academic objectivity. If it is true that you are the […]
78% of Israelis support annexing West Bank settlement Ma’aleh Adumim
78% of Israelis support unilateral annexation of Ma’ale Adumim, poll finds JPost 31 May by Lahav Harkov — Right-wing MKs draft bill to apply sovereignty in West Bank city the day after PM expresses support for Saudi peace plan; Gush Etzion calls to be included in annexation effort. The Knesset Land of Israel caucus called […]
Saudi Arabia’s Powerful Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi Fired By Royal Decree
This is big and could lead to very volatile oil markets in the near term. The key, of course, is whether this will lead to any change in Saudi philosophy toward the oil price, which is currently one of full pumping and a lower price to crush marginal producers in the United States and elsewhere, It is […]
Not a Typo: Chinese Company Pays NZ$526 for 146 Million Litres of Water a Year… In a Drought Zone
Not a Typo: Chinese Company Pays NZ$526 for 146 Million Litres of Water a Year… In a Drought Zone April 27th, 2016 I like to think of NZ as a sort of remote, limited bandwidth version of a Mr. Lee’s Greater Hong Kong franchise: […]
Sacrifice: What Would You Die For?
The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” – Thomas Jefferson Those following the occupation/standoff situation between state and federal “authorities” and Ammon Bundy and his militia team at a wildlife refuge in southern Oregon may have heard that recently Bundy was taken into custody. As […]
British Government Boycotts Palestinian Academics and Mental Health Specialists
November 10, 2015 / Gilad Atzmon The Independent reported today that “a decision by Britain to refuse a group of Palestinian medical experts from Gaza permission to participate in an international conference at Kingston University on trauma in war zones has been condemned by campaigners.” I guess that someone in the British Government is convinced […]