The book, which is set to be released on April 17, titled ‘A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership,’ took Amazon by storm over the weekend, surging from number 15 on the bestseller list on Saturday to number one on Sunday morning. The meteoric rise in interest of the book, a month before it is set […]
Posts Tagged ‘presales’
‘Ka-Ching!’ Spat with Trump drives presales of Comey’s book to No. 1 on Amazon
March 19th, 2018 Awake Goy
Debt Ceiling Debate: Don't Mention Warfare/Welfare State! by Ron Paul
October 20th, 2015 Awake Goy
Any delay in, or opposition to, raising the debt ceiling will inevitably be met with hand-wringing over Congress’ alleged irresponsibility. But the real irresponsible act would be for Congress to raise the debt ceiling. Cutting up its credit card is the only way to make Congress reduce spending. Anyone who doubts this should […]