By Matt Agorist In the early 20th century, British citizens were trusted by their government to own firearms. In fact, then-Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, the Marquess of Salisbury once said he would “laud the day when there was a rifle in every cottage in England.” However, beginning with a law requiring a permit […]
Posts Tagged ‘populace’
Gun Control: UK Murders Now Skyrocketing as Police Fail to Protect Defenseless Populace
Scientists come out against vaccines
Stories of vaccine-injured children often start the same way. “I trusted my doctor. I didn’t know about vaccines then. I only wish I knew then what I know now.” Those with firsthand experience with vaccine side effects tend to learn a great deal about vaccines. Parents of vaccine injured children account for a large […]
Is martial law justified if ISIS attacks?
By Brandon Smith | Alt-Market A group of foreign militants infiltrates the U.S. using student visas, weak borders, bribery and cooperation with drug cartels. Secret cells integrate within metropolitan areas and blend with the populace. At the precise moment, they activate, unleashing small attacks across the country in coordinated blitzkrieg-style terror campaigns against […]