HEADLINE: ‘McCarthy Warns Biden Could ‘Bumble’ Into First Default In US History’. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson who had been placed into the USA presidency by Rothschild INC., Criminally betrayed Americans by signing into Unconstitutional “law” the Private Usury Scam which to confuse the public was called the Federal Reserve Act, which turned America’s dollar over […]
Posts Tagged ‘pitfalls’
The Potential Pitfalls of a Green New Deal
It was supposed to be the greatest transition of modern times. Practically overnight, a dirty, inefficient, and unjust system that encompassed 11 time zones was to undergo an extreme makeover. Billions of dollars were available to speed the process. A new crew of transition experts came up with the blueprint and the public was overwhelmingly […]
The United States, United Kingdom, Australia Deal Contains Many Pitfalls
The recently announced deal between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States for Australia to acquire nuclear submarines in place of the deal to buy conventionally powered French submarines has set off a wave of consequences among Australia’s allies that have caused shockwaves among members of the so-called western alliance. There is much of […]
As Israeli media look to level field with Facebook, some see hidden pitfalls
In the face of faltering revenues and a tidal wave of layoffs, journalism outfits in Israel and around the world are now looking to an unlikely savior: Facebook, the same social media behemoth that has desiccated vital ad streams and left the news business in what many experts describe as a global crisis. In the […]
Top pitfalls to avoid in the mortgage process
With the escalating prices of homes in the US, mortgage loans have become a popular financing option for those who dream of owning a home. Considering that buying a home is perhaps the biggest purchase you’ll ever make, it’s no surprise that there are multiple ways you can find yourself […]
Being Enough
14th April 2016 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The feeling that we are not enough is often a throwback to childhood. No matter how much we tell ourselves that we are enough, it is not going change much how we feel about ourselves as adults. The cure to this bedeviling […]
Stand Up for Cannabis – Stand Up for Freedom!
28th March 2016 By Wes Annac Guest Writer for Wake Up World Marijuana legalization is long overdue. It’s time to stop prosecuting innocent people for the possession of a plant that was clearly put here to help us; it’s basically the same as prosecuting someone for possessing tomatoes. Full of medicinal benefits and spiritual potential, cannabis is […]
Stay Postive: We Shall Win
William MartelDaily Stormer November 4, 2015 I think this is one of, if not the best video Gage has made yet. He discusses the kind of mindset we need adopt in order to keep fighting for our cause and avoid having a defeatist mindset thinking that we are doomed and the Jew is infallible or […]