Last week saw an about-turn in the attitude of Western leaders towards Russian President Putin, which has been reflected by the Western mass media, mostly as a consequence of the G20 meeting in Antalya. Here are just several quotes from the Italian media praising Russia’s leader and his policies, mostly towards battling ISIL. Italian […]
Posts Tagged ‘photographed’
More Russophobia: Russian sports minister refutes anti-doping agency’s report and will support any investigation into allegations
All the conclusions in the World Anti-Doping Agency’s report are based on unconfirmed sources and unfounded facts, Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko told RT, adding that the far-fetched report aimed to turn public opinion against Russian athletes. In the exclusive interview to RT, Mutko refuted WADA’s 323-page report which claimed that athletes were encouraged […]
Here We Go Again: Al-Qaeda Threaten 9/11 Style Attacks
Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Ayman al-Zawahiri has urged ISIS to commit 9/11 style attacks against the U.S. and the West. In a 16-minute message, titled ‘We Shall Unite To Liberate Jerusalem‘, al-Zawahiri calls for attacks against the West, and emphasises the importance on attacking the U.S. and Israel, saying: “Those who support Israel should pay in their blood and economy […]
Amish girl who fled United States to escape forced chemotherapy is now cancer-free
(NaturalNews) Some might call it a “miracle,” but alternative and holistic medicine healers aren’t really surprised to learn that a 12-year old Amish girl is now cancer-free — after her doctors testified in court just six months ago that she would be dead by now if her family were permitted to refuse her […]