Christopher Jon Bjerknes Richard Spencer takes his philosophical cues from Cultural Marxists including the jew Paul Gottfried and the bolshevik Alexander Dugin. Dugin is simply an old school Russian bolshevist who wants the White Race to disappear through miscegenation. Gottfried was schooled in the Cultural Marxist Frankfurt School by Herbert Marcuse and now serves as […]
Posts Tagged ‘philosophies’
On Richard Spencer’s Degenerative Jewish Philosophies
July 25th, 2017 Awake Goy
Christopher Jon Bjerknes Richard Spencer takes his philosophical cues from Cultural Marxists including the jew Paul Gottfried and the bolshevik Alexander Dugin. Dugin is simply an old school Russian bolshevist who wants the White Race to disappear through miscegenation. Gottfried was schooled in the Cultural Marxist Frankfurt School by Herbert Marcuse and now serves as […]