The Blogging Hounds [embedded content] Having done extensive study and graduate research in areas of neuroscience, nutrition, and other health-related sciences, and as a true Biblical Christian I am compelled in the fear of the LORD to share with you the Truth pertaining to pharmakeia, also known as psychotropic, or mind-altering drugs. The Greek word […]
Posts Tagged ‘pharmakeia’
Video and Article – “PHARMAKEIA” – When Drugs from the Pharmacy are Witchcraft & Sorcery!
Pharmakeia, The ‘GOD GENE’, and Just What is The Real Target of The COVID-19 Vaccines that were Rushed into Production and Forced On Us
So, in summary, we have predictions of removing the soul with pharmaceuticals, a study about a gene connected to one’s religious beliefs, a prescription medication that inhibits said gene, and a possible Pentagon briefing presenting a future aerosol virus and vaccine that would eliminate this gene from affecting human behavior, and a vaccine trial participant […]
Pharmakeia (sorcery)
Pharmakeia (sorcery) is a form of the Greek root from which we get our English words pharmacy, pharmacist, and pharmaceutical. In the New Testament, pharmakeia carried with it the idea of sorcery, occultism, and black magic.File Size: 483KBPage Count: 41,%20Drugs,%20Sorcery,%20IG%20Farbin.pdf [embedded content] A Very Good Read in Link That Follows: PDF], Drugs, Sorcery, IG Farbin.pdf THE TRUE MEANING OF THE WORDS “PHARMACY“, “PHARMACIST” […]