Posts Tagged ‘pathologists’

Funeral Home Business Booming, Pathologists Blame COVID Vaccines for Many Deaths

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson notes in his Substack that the US funeral business is booming, and not from COVID. On November 2, 2022 Berenson wrote that: “Today Service Corporation International, the largest for-profit funeral operator in North America, had its quarterly earnings call. SCI had another great quarter, you’ll be pleased to […]

CDC Hides COVID Vaccine Deaths by Fudging Numbers, Pathologists Make Direct Causal Link

Apparently seeking to blunt autopsy studies by pathologists who say they are seeing never-before-seen phenomena in cadavers who died unexpectedly soon after COVID vaccination, a study by scientists affiliated with Kaiser Permanente, in contrast, concludes that vaccinated persons have lower, non-COVID, all-cause death rates than unvaccinated persons. The CDC’s VAERS Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System now […]

Pathologists Say Autopsies Of Vaccinated Show 40% of Deaths Due to Vaccines

Politicians on notice of Crimes Against Humanity. At the Pathological Institute in Reutlingen, Germany on September 20, 2021, a team of German pathologists and scientists presented findings from a first-ever comprehensive, independent set of autopsies of people who had died within 2 weeks of the COVID vaccine injections. The doctors described an unfamiliar pattern of […]

Two top Pathologists reveal astonishing results of investigation into ten deaths linked to the Covid-19 Vaccines – “We’ve never seen anything like it…”

On Monday, September 20th, two top pathologists held a press conference in Germany to reveal their findings of an investigation into ten deaths linked to the Covid-19 vaccines, and what they revealed is shocking. The press conference took place at the Institute of Pathology in Reutinglen, Germany; of which Professor Arne Burkhardt has been in […]

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