After sixteen months of investigations and over a year-and-a-half of the FBI and Obama administration spying on Donald Trump, his family, his business, his campaign, his transition team and his administration – Special Counsel Robert Mueller dropped an absolute nothing-burger on Friday in announcing charges against Russian operatives who sullied the US election process […]
Posts Tagged ‘paste’
Copy-Paste investigation: Mueller patched together much of his indictment from 2015 Radio Free Europe article
Jeremy Corbyn: Jews Must Not Be Blamed “for the Actions of Israel or the Netanyahu Government”
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Stefan Molyneux: Terrorism Skeptics are ‘Disgusting Human Beings, Scumbags’
Popular youtube philosopher Stefan Molyneux (jew) tells us that skeptics of high-profile terror events are ‘horrible human beings’ and ‘scumbags’ who should just ‘shut up.’ So much for Molyneux’s “anarchist” bonafides, now he is blindly backing official terror narratives that embolden the police state. Original video of Molyneux parroting lamestream media/official narrative on San […]