Posts Tagged ‘paradox’

The Medicare Advantage Paradox: How private insurers cost taxpayers billions

Recent studies and reports from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) reveal that MA overpayments have significantly burdened taxpayers. Source Views: 0

Right Wing Round-Up: The Immunity Paradox

Eric Cortellessa @ Time: How Far Trump Would Go Donald Trump thinks he’s identified a crucial mistake of his first term: He was too nice. Warren Throckmorton: Eric Metaxas Still Using the Fake Bonhoeffer Quote It is a popular quote and many people still attribute it to Bonhoeffer; but it can’t be found in any […]

The Nursing Home Paradox

The title of this post should have been given to a study that was published in 2022. I have missed that publication until recently, perhaps because of its uninformative title: “Nursing home quality, COVID-19 deaths, and excess mortality.” There is nothing to suggest earthshaking findings. The inference from the lengthy paper is the opposite of […]

Israeli Nazi Supplier Paradox – Krupp Dolphin U-Boats & Sa’ar 6-class of corvettes

Given the shambolic and underfunded armed forces of Germany  German taxpayers may well wonder why their money has been used to subsidise arming the Apartheid state of Israel rather than bolster their own defences. Given the Israeli version of history Israeli taxpayers may well wonder why their government is employing Krupp former taskmasters of Nazi […]

Neural Reality – The Ultimate VR – Could Answer The Fermi Paradox

Neural Reality – The Ultimate VR – Could Answer The Fermi Paradox Authored by Ross Pomeroy via RealClear Wire, Scientific skepticism is Dr. Steven Novella’s bread and butter. As president of the New England Skeptics’ Society, his mission is to promote science and critical thinking. Novella casts the light of evidence on a range of […]

Chile: Rejection of New Constitution — Paradox of Democracy? Or, Wait and Watch?

62% of voters in Chile rejected the proposed constitution last Sunday. It may seem paradoxical. How could they reject a constitution that would guarantee 50% reservation for women; Education, Health and Social Security and care for all are state responsibility; and also Rights of Indigenous communities or nations or tribes (by whatever name they be […]


23 nov 2021 Is this Austria today? Meanwhile back west we see the INFLUENZA PARADOX of the CRIME OF THE CENTURY How come influenza “suddenly” disappeared, just as Covid-19 “suddenly” appeared? The FDA, CDC and NIH are inherently corrupt. They do not serve the interests of citizens, they are merely ‘licensing’ and marketing wings of […]

The Greek Paradox: Why Do First Generation Greek-Australians Live Longer?

Greek-Australians marching in the Australia Day parade in Melbourne. Credit: Chris Phutully, CC BY 2.0 Scottish-Australian physician Norman Swan has made a complex discovery. Swan found that Greek-Australians, despite subscribing to potentially life threatening practices and diets, have the second highest life expectancy behind the Japanese. Swan dubbed this situation “the Greek Paradox” in his […]

The Biden doctrine, the return of empires and the European paradox

February 01, 2021 By Fabio Reis Vianna for the Saker Blog At the end of the tragic year 2020, Jake Sullivan launched a tweet urging Europeans to act together in the face of “China’s worrying economic behavior.” Today’s National Security Advisor to the newly sworn-in Democratic administration thus gave the first signs of what the […]

A Strange Paradox: When People Say They Love Animals But Eat Meat (Video)

Next Story First off, let’s just get something out of the way: I am by no means placing judgment, blame or shame on those of who consume meat, I am merely offering an opportunity to reflect after watching the below video. Although, I do not personally eat meat, I do not label myself as a […]

The paradox of Earth’s core – it shouldn’t exist

     One day, about a billion years ago, Earth’s inner core had a growth spurt. The molten ball of liquid metal at the center of our planet rapidly crystallized due to lowering temperatures, growing steadily outward until it reached the roughly 760-mile (1,220 kilometers) diameter to which it’s thought to extend today. That’s the conventional […]

The Paradox: When People Say They Love Animals But Eat Meat (Video)

Next Story Dana Elle First off, let’s just get something out of the way: I am by no means placing judgment, blame or shame on those of who consume meat, I am merely offering an opportunity to reflect after watching the below video. Although, I do not personally eat meat, I do not label myself […]

The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in ‘Healthy’ Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain

September 6th, 2017 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Are you eating a healthy, whole food diet yet still struggle with weight gain and health problems? Part of the problem might have to do with lectins. Dr. Steven Gundry,[1] author of the book “The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods That […]

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Gender Equality Paradox (2011)

21st Century Wire says… Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. Norwegian filmmaker Mr. Eia with his cameraman to ask some leading scientists around the world about some basic questions about gender identity. He specifically wanted to challenge the ‘consensus’ in Norway that boys and girls ‘learn’ their gender roles and […]

US Policy Paradox: How to Lose Friends and Influence Nothing

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An American Paradox: Pillorying Fake News while Promoting False Flags

July 4, 2017 Op-Ed by Mathew Maavak The United States is a schizophrenic asylum of extreme paradoxes: While its internal politics reverberates with fake news-mediated recriminations, Americans yet find merit in the same disinformation machinery that facilitates false flags abroad. The US is now threatening Syria over an imminent “chemical weapons attack” […]

The Moon in Taurus – The Paradox of Creation and Surrender

April 27th, 2017 By Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone Contributing writers for Wake Up World With 4 planets in a retrograde motion during the last cycle, the invisible and unconscious aspects of our being have recently become visible. The energy reflected by the astrological alignments of the past few weeks have made us acutely aware of […]

The Town Crier Makes a Killing

Over the centuries the citizens of the two communities got on fine together. There was little interaction between them. This was not because they didn’t like each other; the two simply enjoyed their own way of doing things. Folk harvested their coastal waters and farmlands; some preferred to make things whilst others offered services […]

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