@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } Hillary Clinton told CBS News that she wears pantsuits to prevent paparazzi from snapping “suggestive” photos of her which could be used to advertise lingerie. In an […]
Posts Tagged ‘pantsuits’
Hillary Clinton Says She Wears Pantsuits Because She ‘Can’t Deal’ With Lingerie Companies Using Her For Adverts
September 7th, 2022 Awake Goy