Posts Tagged ‘pain’

#StandWithMilo … Natural News issues ‘Most Dangerous Faggot of the Year Award’ to Milo Yiannopoulos

(NaturalNews) On behalf of all Natural News editors, writers and researchers, we hereby issue Milo Yiannopoulos the prestigious Dangerous Faggot of the Year Award, respectfully titled in honor of his self-named speaking tour (the “Dangerous Faggot Tour”). #StandWithMilo. For those who don’t know Milo, he’s an openly gay editor who combines sharp […]

Seattle to bring free mobile medical services to homeless individuals

     An RV will give homeless residents access to a physician, a nurse, a mental health case manager and a chemical dependency professional. A medical clinic on wheels is driving free health services right up to those who need them most. Seattle just unveiled a new RV bringing primary care and mental health services to […]

Women who spend decades working 60-hour weeks are three times more at risk for cancer, heart disease and diabetes

(NaturalNews) A new study by The Ohio State University reveals that long work hours for women are linked to alarming increases in cancer, heart disease and the early development of other chronic, life-threatening illnesses. Women who put in extra hours for the bulk of their careers – with work weeks that average 60 […]

5 Easy Steps To Changing Your Diet & Eating Clean Starting Today!

If you haven’t heard of the term before, eating clean can be a little confusing. According to the BBC, eating clean just means eating foods in their natural state and cutting back or eliminating anything that was pumped full of additives and preservatives before it got to your table. Fair enough — our ancestors didn’t have microwavable […]


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Quaker Oats issues recall over Listeria concerns, just months after dealing with glyphosate poisoning allegations

(NaturalNews) Popular brand Quaker Oats announced earlier this month that there would be a voluntary U.S. recall of a small quantity of its Quaker Quinoa Granola Bars, due to the possible risk of Listeria contamination. The Quaker Oats Company, which is a unit of PepsiCo, said that although there have been no reported […]

Police Now Using ‘Pre-Crime’ Algorithm to Target and Label Innocent Citizens as Criminals

It was recently reported that the Chicago Police Department has implemented an Orwellian new program that targets innocent citizens based on indicators that they might be a person who has the potential to carry out a crime. by John Vibes Similar to dystopian films like The Minority Report, a complex computer algorithm will track and […]

Scientists observe new characteristic of light, proving Planck’s constant can be inconsistent

     Get ready to have your mind blown and, if you’re not a trained physicist, probably a little boggled. Scientists have discovered a new form of light, proving that a “constant” calculation used for more than 100 years can indeed be inconsistent. This new revelation by researchers at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in Ireland introduces […]

Internet Freedom? How Government Attempts to Subvert Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press

17th May 2016 By Sergey Baranov Contributing writer for Wake Up World One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas. — Victor Marie Hugo (1802 – 1885), The History of a Crime While sharp looking liars in suits transmit the state approved “news’’ readily packaged for public consumption, the American people are […]

Three physicians who disregarded medical choice to maim, murder or abandon patients (one of them is still practicing)

(NaturalNews) We like to picture doctors as caring, compassionate souls whose existence is dedicated to helping others. Unfortunately, not all physicians complete the rigorous schooling to satisfy an innate love for humanitarianism. Instead, some individuals enter the field seeking financial gains, power and an elitist-type status. These are the medical “professionals” that do […]

Fears about MMR vaccines causing brain damage are legitimate, former Chief Scientific Officer explains

(NaturalNews) A former British medical officer who was responsible for deciding if medications were safe for the general public has accused the government he used to serve of “utterly inexplicable complacency” over the triple measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine for children, the UK’s Daily Mail Online reported. Dr. Peter Fletcher, former Chief […]

Turkish court overturns 275 verdicts in alleged Ergenekon ‘coup plot’ trial

The high court found a number of contradictions in the case, which was launched back in 2007 against people including ex-army chief Ilker Basbug, politicians and journalists. The court found flaws in the investigation, trial, collection of evidence and fair hearing for the accused, the Anadolu news agency reported. According to the court’s ruling, “There […]

Change Is The Only Constant – So How Do We Manage It?

We have all heard the saying that Change is the only constant (other than death and taxes, of course), and for most of us, it’s becoming more and more a reality. Gone are the days of people working for the same company for 30 years, or the guarantee of finding a well paying, secure job […]

6 Things To Know About Karma & Relationships

Every day, sparks are ignited between two people. Good chemistry with another person can be intense in itself. When those sparks are flying you might feel your heart beat faster and your palms become sweatier.  They’re at the forefront of your time and your thoughts, and this is a normal and beautiful experience. But on […]

6 Things To Know About Karma & Relationships

Every day, sparks are ignited between two people. Good chemistry with another person can be intense in itself. When those sparks are flying you might feel your heart beat faster and your palms become sweatier.  They’re at the forefront of your time and your thoughts, and this is a normal and beautiful experience. But on […]

6 Things To Know About Karma & Relationships

Every day, sparks are ignited between two people. Good chemistry with another person can be intense in itself. When those sparks are flying you might feel your heart beat faster and your palms become sweatier.  They’re at the forefront of your time and your thoughts, and this is a normal and beautiful experience. But on […]

This Is Nuts – Donald Rumsfeld On 9/11 & Building 7. How Is This Possible?

Below is footage of journalist Luke Rudkowski, the founder of We Are Change, asking former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld about World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC), the building that collapsed on 9/11 despite only experiencing some small fires on a couple of floors. It’s the same building that multiple mainstream media outlets reported as having […]

Florida’s Turkey Point nuke pollutes Biscayne Aquifer, Biscayne National Park

Contaminated water originating from the cooling canal system at Florida Power & Light’s (FPL) Turkey Point facility is reaching Biscayne Bay, threatening South Florida’s drinking water supply and Biscayne National Park. The findings and analysis by the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) were released by Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s office late […]

Study Outlines Why Antidepressant Drugs Could Be Completely Useless & Harmful

Antidepressants are supposed to work by fixing a chemical imbalance, specifically, a lack of serotonin in the brain. Indeed, their supposed effectiveness is the primary evidence for the chemical imbalance theory. But analyses of the published data and the unpublished data that were hidden by drug companies reveals that most (if not all) of the […]

As Twitter, Facebook and YouTube ramp up selective censorship, alternative search is more important than ever!

(NaturalNews) Love or hate social media, there is no doubt that it has become one of – if not the – most powerful ways to communicate and share opinions. But questions are being asked as to whether those responsible for running of ocial media organizations, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, are censoring […]

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