Posts Tagged ‘okeefe’

White and Proud!

By James Harting (1983) You hear a lot of talk about Black pride, Jewish pride, Hispanic pride–even “gay” pride. In fact, there is only one major segment of the population that is not encouraged to take pride in its heritage and in the achievements of its ancestors. That group is the White race. The lack […]


In Gaza In this forum, particularly interesting is the speech given by Sara Flounders, of the International Action Center, on her visits to Syria, on the reasons behind the global war on Syria and the documentation of US planning the destabilization of Syria since at least 2005. Flounders also gives historical context to the lead-up […]

Natural Magic

Natural health works! Provided the following principles and mindset are in place: [some of these points overlap] 1. Box Clever The individual must be prepared to put in the effort – do the exercises, be disciplined with diet, reduce physical strains and stresses, etc. If one goes to see any practitioner – be it a nutritionist, […]

To Heil With That

Whilst the German work ethic is well known and respected, no one wishes to imitate it. There is an unnerving sense of ant-like self-discipline about Germans that leaves most of us aghast. Taking a holiday at a Belgian camping site we Brits were snootily dismissive of a group of young Germans setting up their tent […]

To Heil With That

Whilst the German work ethic is well known and respected, no one wishes to imitate it. There is an unnerving sense of ant-like self-discipline about Germans that leaves most of us aghast. Taking a holiday at a Belgian camping site we Brits were snootily dismissive of a group of young Germans setting up their tent […]

President al-Assad to RIA Novosti, Sputnik (3) : “We have the will to clear Syria completely of terrorists” ~ [Full Text, Part 3]

Syria Free Press President Bashar al-Assad said in the third part of the interview he gave to the Russian news agencies RIA Novosti and Spuntik that  a number of countries which are supposed to be concerned with fighting terrorism, or part of the US-led coalition to fight terrorism, have not announced their position regarding the […]

Striking Similarities Between ISIS & israel

The Striking Similarities Between ISIS & Israel’s Middle East Agendas #JSIL, the Jewish State of Israel in the Levant, illustrates that Israel is not held to the same standards as other actors in the Middle East like ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, but instead is given a pass for human rights […]

Frankenfish coming to a store near you

From: Coming soon to your grocery store’s seafood counter: genetically engineered salmon. The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the first Atlantic salmon that is genetically engineered. The decision comes as critics charge the so-called “frankenfish” is unsafe and could harm the environment. AquAdvantage Salmon has a genetically […]

US & Turkey Launch Operation To Take Control Of Border With Syria

The US Secretary of State has said that the US and Turkey intend to shut off Turkey’s border with Syria in a joint military operation. In an interview with CNN, John Kerry said “The entire border of northern Syria – 75 percent of it has now been shut off. And we are entering an operation […]

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