Tucker Carlson appears to have gone full loose cannon. A new meme is bound to follow: Tucker Didn’t Kill Himself! I bought a book c.2009 titled ‘Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?’ by Larry Sinclair: https://www.abebooks.com/9780615345062/Barack-Obama-Larry-Sinclair-Cocaine-0615345069/plp I had followed the 2008 US presidential election and really, really wanted Ron Paul to be the Republican nomination, but […]
Posts Tagged ‘obomba’
Ron Paul. Imagine. US President. Instead of Obomba.
September 2nd, 2023 Awake Goy
A great President the US missed out on… so much common sense and decency; which our political leaders so sorely lack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0mrAaxAQv0 Source Views: 0