It is amusing to what extent the editors of the New York Times resort to lying in their attempts to portrait the incarceration of the right wing racist Andrej Navalny as a best thing that happened since the invention of sliced bread. Today’s editorial is a delusional as it can get. Aleksei Navalny Is Resisting Putin, […]
Posts Tagged ‘obfuscate’
New York Times Editors Lie, Obfuscate Facts, To Reinforce Their False Russia Narrative
February 6th, 2021 Awake Goy
Celebrity MasterChef Star Is A Suspected Serial Killer
October 21st, 2015 Awake Goy
Stephen Port on left Celebrity MasterChef star Stephen Port appeared at the Old Bailey via video link from Pentonville prison on Wednesday, accused of drugging and murdering four young men.. The Independent reports: Footage of an episode from the BBC show’s ninth series, which aired in June, features Stephen Port serving pasta and meatballs to bus […]