Earlier this afternoon, Fairborn Municipal Court Judge Beth Root ruled on an affidavit submitted by nine citizens finding that there was probably cause to charge Ronald T. Ritchie with the first degree misdemeanor crime of “making false alarms.” Ritchie was the person that made the 911 call claiming that John Crawford was pointing a gun […]
Posts Tagged ‘nuitdebout’
Breaking News: Judge Rules Man Who Made 911 Call That Led To John Crawford’s Murder Should Face Charges
April 7th, 2016 Awake Goy
Young Boy Remembers Past Life As Hollywood Actor From 1930’s
April 4th, 2016 Awake Goy
A young boy from Oklahoma is making headlines for his alleged past-life memory. The young man, only 10 years years old, has vivid memories of his former life – as a Hollywood actor from the 1930’s! According to Spirit Science: This 10 year old boy from Oklahoma named Ryan, was born with the memories of […]