(Natural News) At present fired FBI Director James Comey is basking in the klieg lights on various American Pravda media sets around the country hawking his “bitchy” new book in which there are no new explosive details about his brief time in President Donald J. Trump’s administration. Breathless Leftists and Democrats are […]
Posts Tagged ‘nevertrump’
Are Comey, Hillary, McCabe, Lynch, and other Obama-era #NeverTrump renegades about to be indicted on multiple felony charges?
April 19th, 2018 Awake Goy
Axe-wielding Afghan Refugee Attack 15 People on Train in Germany: Shot Dead by Police
July 19th, 2016 Awake Goy
Just a day earlier, we asked if Germay was next target: #IslamicState claim #Germany next terror target. Is multiculturalism & open borders worth it? #Nice #Paris #Brussels pic.twitter.com/MO3h2SmyiM — Henrik Palmgren (@Henrik_Palmgren) July 17, 2016 and here it is: A teenage Afghan refugee armed with an axe and knife injured four people on a train in southern Germany […]