Posts Tagged ‘neocon’

The lies and conspiracy theories from neocon ‘crazies’ that fueled Iraq war are subject of new history

ENOUGH ALREADY: TIME TO END THE WAR ON TERRORISMby Scott Horton318 pp. The Libertarian Institute. $19.99 Last month Foreign Affairs ran an article saying that Iran and Israel were engaged in mutual hostilities that could drag the United States into a war not of our choosing, and there was no mention in the article of […]

Neocon Robert Kagan: Americans Opposing Forever Wars Is An ‘Example Of Their Intolerance’

Americans who don’t support “forever wars” in the Middle East in service of the “liberal world order” are simply showing their “intolerance,” so says PNAC co-founder Robert Kagan in Foreign Affairs magazine. Today in gaslighting, — Casey McNeill (@mcneillcasey) February 19, 2021 From Foreign Affairs, “A Superpower, Like It or Not,” subheadline, “Why Americans […]

The Rise of the Politics of Fear – Neocon Theory To Control The Masses. — The Duran

The Power Of Nightmares -Adam Curtis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive The Power of Nightmares, subtitled The Rise of the Politics of Fear, written and produced by Adam Curtis. 122 more words The Rise of the Politics of Fear – Neocon Theory To Control The Masses. — The Duran Share this: Like […]

Video: Rand Paul Fights Against Neocon ‘Perpetual Wars’; Cheney Responds With Dig At His Height

During one of three rallies in Pennsylvania Monday, President Trump celebrated the one year anniversary of the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, which effectively ended the genocidal terrorist group. Trump told the crowd that he has presided over taking out the world’s top terrorists. “Exactly one year ago today, we killed the […]

Virulent neocon, Zionist and russophobe Charles Krauthammer sends farewell letter as he loses battle with cancer

     The Washington Post has published a statement written by Dr. Charles Krauthammer, a public intellectual and titan of conservative thought whose absence from the national conversation over the last ten months has been felt deeply by his readers and Fox News viewers. One of the questions I regularly field as I travel across the […]

Are Neocon Jews Driving the Hostility towards Russia?

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Trump Goes Full Neocon as Bolton Adds Fred Fleitz as NSC Chief of Staff

Renegade Editor’s Note: Trump has been full (((Neocon))) from the very start, but especially so after Sheldon Adelson bankrolled his campaign. By Kurt Nimmo During the Trump campaign, I wrote a book on the influence of Frank Gaffney, the fringe neocon who has made a career pulling fire alarms, telling us Islam will destroy Western civilization and […]

Nimmo: Donald Trump’s Neocon Conversion was Predictable

“I watched him yesterday, actually, and he was very good in defending me in some of my views, and very, very strong. And I’ve always liked John Bolton. Well, we are thinking about it, Hugh [nominating Bolton as secretary of state]. I will say that. We are thinking about it. I mean, the negative […]

Neocon John Bolton Tells A Big Lie About Iran

By Kurt Nimmo National Security Adviser John Bolton is lying again. He says the US has no intention of invading Iran, taking it back to the Stone Age like he and his fellow neocons did to Iraq in 2003. On Tuesday, the Washington Examiner reported: A reporter told Bolton there was speculation that […]

New National Security Adviser John Bolton Is a Bush Administration Neocon

John Bolton’s new role as US national security adviser may spell trouble for security chiefs elsewhere. An apologist for the Iraq invasion on false pretexts, he is also well known for his hawkish effort to encourage war with Iran. This shill has just been appointed as #NationalSecurity advisor to @realDonaldTrump. A true American Patriot, always […]

Violent, deranged, inbred, feral NeoCon Judaic and Israel-Firster David Frum– ‘America Is Under Attack and the President Doesn’t Care’

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Victoria Nuland, wife of Arch-Neocon Robert Kagan on Russian ‘hacking’– ‘The Hairs Really Went Up on the Back of Our Necks’

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Threads Of Establishment Russia Narrative Trace Back To Neocon Think Tanks

Do you want to know the secret for 100 percent guaranteeing that you will always be on the right side of history for every single foreign policy debate? It takes three very simple steps: Step One: Pick any disputed issue of foreign policy. Step Two: Find out what the dominant neoconservative think tanks are saying about it. […]

SYRIA: Tillerson’s Schizophrenia and Neocon-Approved “Assad Must Go” Policy

Daniel McAdamsRon Paul Institute Confirming that the US military presence inside Syria had little to do with fighting ISIS, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson unveiled in detail today the real US strategy for Syria: overthrow of the Assad government.  In a speech at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and introduced by President George W. Bush’s […]

‘I, Neocon’ – the Foreign Policy of Emperor Trump

‘I, Neocon’ – the Foreign Policy of Emperor Trump Not many observers believe that US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will survive as the most-neutered US Secretary of State since the days when Richard Nixon’s national security adviser Henry Kissinger called the shots on foreign policy to the chagrin of Secretary of State William Rogers. […]

Former CIA Director and arch NeoCon James Woolsey– ‘“The next time the IRGC looks cross-eyed at us, we should turn loose six to 12 MOAB bombs on them’

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Iran President Rouhani’s ‘Clear and Calm’ Rebuttal to Trump’s UN Neocon Rant

21st Century Wire says… This week, US President Donald Trump did what every US President before has done – he read from his teleprompter script provided to him by his handlers. As far as this year’s United Nations General Assembly was concerned, Trump’s address is now widely recognized as perhaps the worst such address made […]

Trump Bares Himself at UNGA “In a Kind of Neocon Full Monte”

President Trump speaking at the UNGA. (Photo: Screenshot) Robert ParryConsortium News In discussing President Trump, there is always the soft prejudice of low expectations – people praise him for reading from a Teleprompter even if his words make little sense – but there is no getting around the reality that his maiden address to the […]

American McCarthyism: Neocon Warhawks’ Plan to Kill Antiwar Dissent in Media

21st Century Wire says… After 12 months of perpetrating one of the greatest political hoaxes in history – blaming Russia for the Presidential victory of Donald Trump – the Washington establishment is now wanting to take the lie to the next level by sanctioning not only Russian international media outlets, but any media outlet (see […]

Trump Springs the Neocon Trap Again: North Korea’s ‘Test’ is No Act of War

Patrick Henningsen21st Century Wire Here we go again. There seems to be no end to the escalation of tensions between North Korea and the United States and its allies. Yesterday, Pyongyang’s state broadcaster came out declaring what it claims was another ‘successful test’, this time with a hydrogen bomb, which they say could be mounted […]

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