The social groups whose development is more linked to radical social change are the Scheduled Castes (SCs) in Odisha. The Government of India Scheduled Castes Order 1936 had identified 54 sub-caste groups of Odisha as SCs but during last 70 years, the number of sub caste has increased in State and currently till 2015 it […]
Posts Tagged ‘neglected’
SCs still the most neglected in Odisha -Institutional mechanism is not effective
A Veteran Asks, “What’s Worse, a Kneeling Millionaire or 300,000 Vets Neglected to Death?”
September 26, 2017 By Matt Agorist Naturally, Americans are up in arms because a bunch of folks who get paid millions of dollars to throw around a leather ball decided to kneel during the national anthem. I find this ironic for several reasons. First off, I’d like to clarify that choosing not […]
A US veteran asks, ‘what’s worse, a kneeling millionaire or 300,000 vets neglected to death?’
Naturally, Americans are up in arms because a bunch of folks who get paid millions of dollars to throw around a leather ball decided to kneel during the national anthem. I find this ironic for several reasons. First off, I’d like to clarify that choosing to not watch football because someone did something you […]
Paris police car set ablaze as officers protest brutality against them (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)
Several protesters surrounded the car and attempted to break its windows. The anti-police activists were heard shouting: “Police everywhere, justice nowhere,” and “Cops, murderers.” Police officers escaped from the car when a smoke bomb or Molotov cocktail set it on fire, a journalist at the scene for France’s Le Monde newspaper reported. Firefighters who arrived […]
Muslim Thug SPITS On A Cop, IMMEDIATELY Regrets Ever Doing So [Video]
As Western nations continue to allow Muslim “refugees” into their nations in droves, they’re learning just how “grateful” they are to be given a better shot at life. Such is the case in Germany, where ungrateful refugees turned their entitlement attitude against police, then almost immediately regretted their decision. After coming under fire from bleeding […]
Alex Jones: Obama Murdered Justice Scalia And Donald Trump Is Next
In an “emergency transmission” to his Facebook fans today, conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones floated his suspicions that the late Justice Antonin Scalia was “murdered,” just like conservative activist Andrew Breitbart. While accusing Obama of a litany crimes, including secretly funding ISIS and blackmailing Supreme Court justices, Jones said that “this is the season […]
No-fly zones and surface-to-air missiles: The US looks to be getting ready for war with Russia in Syria
As US Secretary of State John Kerry convenes with diplomats from Russia and other nations for a second round of political talks on the Syrian conflict in Vienna this weekend, it is becoming clear that Washington is gambling on a two-prong strategy. But the US gamble carries a grave risk of blowing up into […]
Pentagon vows more weapons drops to Syrian rebels: Claims massive gains against ISIS by largely fictional faction
Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren today announced that the US intends to carry out more weapons airdrops in the Hasakeh Province of northeastern Syria, claiming the “Democratic Forces” faction has achieved massive gains in the weeks since they dropped their last batch of arms there. The Democratic Forces have been hyped by the US […]