Image Credit: HBES Either we temper delusions of national grandeur and religious superiority—or pessimism is justified As serious scientists depict the earth as a closed system, aside from sunlight, who’s surprised that global stresses—overcapacity, climate change, pandemics, and resource mismanagement —dramatically come to the fore. Just as “no man is an island, entire unto himself,” […]
Posts Tagged ‘nationalistic’
Global problems are far-reaching, permanent & inter-connected. Nationalistic responses are political, tribal, religious & myopic.
Italy’s Nationalistic Agenda Reflects Weakening Public Support for the EU
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published three days ago, on Tuesday 5 June 2018; but it does give us insight into the current state of Italian politics. It is heartening to see nationalistic, right-wing populism incrementally gain ground across Europe to challenge Brussels’ authority. Is it a universal phenomenon throughout the continent? No, but […]