Spanish researchers say that graphene oxide nanoparticles found in covid vaccines are compatible with neurons and other brain cells. Nanotubes of graphene oxide search and become attached to synapses. Building on last week’s findings, two Spanish researchers believe that the “secret nanoparticles” found in covid vaccines are nanotubes of graphene oxide. The Andalusian biostatistician Ricardo Delgado who hosts an online program […]
Posts Tagged ‘nanotubes’
Baylor researchers project long-term effects of climate change, deforestation on Himalayan mountain basins
October 19th, 2015 Awake Goy
The first continent-wide, multi-factor analysis of climate and land cover effects on watersheds in the United States, published today, provides a broad new assessment of runoff, flooding and storm water management options … Source Article from Views: 0