Today, as Israel celebrates what it calls its Independence Day, indigenous Palestinians who survived the ethnic cleansing of 1947-49 and have been forced to live as second-class citizens of Israel or under its military rule, including in East Jerusalem, will hold marches and vigils to mark what they consider to be the Palestinian “Nakba” or […]
Posts Tagged ‘nakba’
70 Years of Nakba: The Deir Yassin Massacre Sparked 750,000 Palestinians to Flee Their Homes, and the Establishment of the Zionist State
70 Years of Nakba: The Deir Yassin Massacre Sparked 750,000 Palestinians to Flee Their Homes, and the Establishment of the Zionist State Some memories permeate our very existence and penetrate our collective consciousness for generations. Survivors of al-nakba continue to preserve these indelible memories in every wrinkle lining their faces and in every cell and fragment […]
israeli Apartheid Week 2018: 70 Years Resisting the Ongoing Nakba #enoughisenough
Israeli Apartheid Week 2018: 70 Years Resisting the Ongoing Nakba Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) 2018 features over 150 events taking place in 33 countries across 6 continents! This year’s theme centers around the 70th anniversary of the 1948 Palestinian Nakba — the planned mass expulsion of more than 750,000 indigenous Palestinians to establish an exclusionary Jewish-majority state […]
NAKBA 2017: The Never-Ending Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
Susiya village, overlooking neighbouring mountains in South Khalil. (Photo: Robert Inlakesh) Robert Inlakesh21st Century Wire Susiya is a Palestinian village located in the Southern hills of Hebron (al-Khalil). This village has borne witness to infinite cruelty from the illegal state of Israel and endured a long history of harassment, destruction and ethnic cleansing. The current […]
Rightwing campaign against Jewish exec who called for exposing Nakba seems likely to fail
A rightwing campaign has begun against a prestigious Jewish organization, the Center for Jewish History, to fire a new executive who has called for discussions of the Nakba and against demonizing the BDS campaign (boycott, divestment and sanctions). And happily, it appears that this campaign will fail. David N. Myers is a former professor of […]
New Nakba for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon
Lebanese authorities have told 6,000 Palestinian refugees in Shabriha to leave their homes within 48 hours so that work can start on a highway extension. The refugees affected have been told to apply for compensation through the nearby Al-Abbasiyeh Municipality. Shabriha is an unofficial “gathering” of 6,000 Palestinian refugees near Tyre in southern Lebanon. Like […]
Israeli minister says Palestinians are bringing a ‘third Nakba’ upon themselves
“We are not heading toward a third intifada, we are heading toward a third Nakba” said Israeli Likud Minister for Regional Cooperation Tzachi Hanegbi on a Channel 2 interview on Saturday, using the Arabic work for “catastrophe,” which also refers to the Israeli displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people which began with the founding of […]
by Jonathan “Madd Cold” Azaziah After 69 years of Nakba in Palestine; after 69 years of destruction, from the 531 villages, towns and cities eviscerated during the Zionist terror gangs’ Plan D to the ongoing IOF demolitions of homes and infrastructures in the West Bank and sacred Al-Quds; after 69 years of mass murder, from […]
A MUST SEE: Father Mmanuel Musallam SPEAKING OUT on Nakba Day Plus ‘Peace” Photo Story
الاب منويل مسلم في ذكرى نكبة فلسطين هذا الخطاب القاه في المنتدى العربي الناصري Treason’s Photo Story ================== The Long Way to OSLO Alan Hart the Linkman Between Perea And Arafat Arafat: a Political Biography by Alan Hart Old Posts Alan Hart: To Pevent the rising tide of anti-Israelism from being transformed into violent anti-Semitism, require preventing […]
Palestinian Nakba Day ~ Over 700,000 forced to leave Palestine in 1948: nowadays the Zionist colony seals off all the Palestinians, a people of captives in their own home
People across the world are commemorating the Nakba Day which marks the anniversary of the forcible eviction of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland by Israelis in 1948. The Day of Catastrophe is officially marked every year on May 15, but the occasion this year coincides with a hunger strike being observed by more than 1,600 […]
BDS: Upholding our rights, resisting the ongoing Nakba
It is possible… It is possible at least sometimes… It is possible especially now To ride a horse Inside a prison cell And run away… It is possible for prison walls To disappear. For the cell to become a distant land Without frontiers – Mahmoud Darwish May 15, 2017 marks the 69th anniversary of the […]
On Nakba Day I want the right to be angry
Betrayed, massacred, exiled, besieged, occupied, vilified and criminalized, Palestinians are nothing if not survivors. And as survivors, we are in the company of some of the finest peoples in the world. But this year, as I once again commemorate our losses and honor our resistance, I am angry at the fact that all we can […]
Perpetual Nakba
In 1948 WAR, my grandmother was a young mother, My mother was a child in 1948 * * * In 1967 WAR my mother was a young mother, I was a child in 1967 * * * In 1987 WAR, I was a young mother, My daughter was a child in 1987 * * * […]
Remembering the Nakba
By Nasim Ahmed Sixty-nine years ago, the state of Israel was born following the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians by Israeli Jewish gangs. What: The Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) When: 15 May 1948 Where: Palestine What Happened? On 14 May 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the executive head of the World Zionist Organisation, declared the establishment […]
Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian man in Jerusalem al-Quds ahead of Nakba Day
Press TV- Israeli military forces have shot dead a Palestinian man over an alleged stabbing attack in the Old City of Jerusalem al-Quds as thousands of Palestinians are preparing to mark the 69th anniversary of Nakba Day (Day of Catastrophe) amid simmering tension in the occupied territories. Israeli police said the unnamed Palestinian was shot near […]
True independence on Nakba Day: accountability and healing as an Israeli aggressor
I am an Israeli-American. I was raised in a middle-class academic ‘Liberal Zionist’ household (aligned with the Israeli Labor Party and Meretz), which is an inherent contradiction. Liberal Zionism maintains a belief in universal human rights yet it supports a Zionist ideology that endorses and promotes Israel as a Jewish state – one that has […]
‘NYT’ editors twist themselves into knots not to say the word ‘Jewish’
This is funny in an elephant-in-the-room sort of way. The New York Times posted a video to its Facebook page on Tuesday of the next Jerusalem bureau chief, Peter Baker, getting a primer about his new assignment from former bureau chiefs Jodi Rudoren and James Bennet, both of whom are now big editors at the paper, and Rudoren […]
Smile — it’s the Upper West Side
I just returned from Gaza a couple weeks ago. I can’t begin to describe the kind of devastation the Palestinians face there every day. What shocked me the most was the profound feeling of their being treated like disposable humanity, in a cage, to live or die or grow ill from the lack of […]