Champions of the International Holocaust Memorial Alliance – Working Definition of Antisemitism (IHRA-WDA) insist that their definition is merely aspirational, meant only to rally opposition to hatred of Jews and is not legally binding. But an event in the Canadian city of Winnipeg is a perfect and lasting example of how toxic is the definition’s […]
Posts Tagged ‘muzzle’
How the IHRA definition of antisemitism is used to muzzle criticism of Israel — the Winnipeg example
Raid On NewsClick: An Attempt To Muzzle The Voices of Dissent
NewsClick, a progressive website based out of Delhi has been raided by the Enforcement Directorate. The raid comes at a time when NewsClick has been bravely covering the farmers’ agitation and other issues of the marginalised when most of the mainstream media are keeping silent or toeing the line of the government. The raid on […]
Twitter, Facebook muzzle Trump amid Capitol violence
In an unprecedented step, Facebook and Twitter suspended President Donald Trump from posting to their platforms Wednesday following the storming of the US. Capitol by his supporters. Twitter locked Trump out of his account for 12 hours and said that future violations by Trump could result in a permanent suspension. The company required the removal […]
Fauci: Take The Vaccine, Or Wear The Submission Muzzle Forever
Mac Dr. Anthony Fauci has now said that unless Americans are willing to take the rushed coronavirus vaccine with “significant” side effects, they will be wearing the submission muzzle forever. Even if enough submit to the vaccine, Fauci wants us masked for at least 6 more months. The masks will never go away until […]
Fashion Designer “Kovid” Made the Muzzle Chic in 2019
This is just absurd. What are the odds that it was just a coincidence that “Kovid” showed off a fashion design that involved what would become the Covid mask 1 year later? [embedded content] I first saw this clip in a video about how Bill Gates wants us to drink poop water. Bitchute link Views: […]
Australian Cop Strangles Woman for Not Wearing a Muzzle
Australia has recorded 331 official COVID-19 deaths at the time of this writing, although I am sure all of those deaths could be attributed to other causes. Let’s compare this terrifying “pandemic” to the amount of people who die of heart disease in Australia each year, which is 19,777. You don’t see the government doing […]
Protesting Germans Revolt Against ‘Muzzle’ Facemasks And Pandemic Restrictions, by Tyler Durden
STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC Well at least one nationality still has the capacity for righteous outrage. Too bad it’s not the US. From Tyler Durden at Thousands of Germans took to the streets of Berlin on Saturday to protest the country’s coronavirus measures – including wearing facemasks – which the protesters refer to as a […]
Mask Zombie Tells Children, “I Hope You All Die,” For Not Wearing Coronahoax Muzzle
This woman is so convinced that people without masks are endangering countless lives that she actually wishes death upon young children for not having masks. Bitchute link Views: 0
New Footage of Las Vegas Mass Shooting Reveals Possible Muzzle Flashes from Helicopters That May Have Conducted ‘Air Assault’
What appears to be muzzle flashes emitting from multiple aircraft can be seen on numerous videos captured on the night of the massacre. Newly released footage of the October 1 massacre posted on YouTube appears to confirm what Intellihub’s founder and editor-in-chief Shepard Ambellas pointed out in late October when he presented evidence of the […]
Fast-Tracking mandatory vaccination while government and media muzzle scientists
Turning their backs on the human rights principle of voluntary informed consent memorialized in the Nuremberg Code after World War II, health authorities in France and Italy are fast-tracking involuntary vaccine mandates for school-age children. In Italy, millions of Italians have been demonstrating since June, protesting the infringements to parental rights. On July 28, […]
Fast-Tracking Mandatory Vaccination While Government & Media Muzzle Scientists
Next Story Turning their backs on the human rights principle of voluntary informed consent memorialized in the Nuremberg Code after World War II, health authorities in France and Italy are fast-tracking involuntary vaccine mandates for school-age children. In Italy, millions of Italians have been demonstrating since June, protesting the infringements to parental rights. On July 28, industry-beholden Italian legislators voted 296-92 to pass a one-size-fits-all […]
FEC boss who tried to muzzle Drudge now on Soros payroll
The former chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission, who famously eyed regulating the politics of conservative outlets like the Drudge Report, has joined an advocacy group funded by George Soros and run by his son. Ann Ravel is the first fellow listed with the California advocacy group New America. Her […]
Allina Nurses Go All In
Print Friendly Above Photo: In a weeklong strike, 5,000 Minnesota nurses are defending a health plan that’s an oasis of decency—and battling the hospital chain’s cost-cutting scheme to hand over staffing decisions to a robot. Photo: Minnesota Nurses Association Sometimes solidarity comes shaped like a popsicle. That’s what one nursing assistant, on her way in for […]