Please read and share…. Robert Letkiewicz researched beyond the details as mentioned in the interview Alan Jones had with Heather Pascoe… Great research!! Thanks Robert. The Den of Vipers That Own and Control Australia After finally listening to Heather Brown’s interview conducted by Alan Jones, I decided to investigate the company that has been approved […]
Posts Tagged ‘Museum of Modern Art’
Wagners Pty Ltd
May 16th, 2014 Awake Goy
Posted in Wagners Pty Ltd Tags: a merchant banker at Rothschild, Alan Jones, Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) 7Th US, anti defamation league, army, Arnold Bloch Leibler, Asia, Australia, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australian Government, B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Commission, Bahrain Wagners Global, British Freemasonry, British Intelligence, Commonwealth Day, corporate law, Deutsche Australia Limited, Deutsche Bank AG Australia, Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research, Equatorial Guinea Catherine Street Bridge, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Freemasonry, Heather Pascoe, Hexima Limited, Jacob Rothschild, Jewish culture, Jews, Julia Gillard, Ku Klux Klan, Labor, Luciferian One World government, Margie Abbott, Max Capital Group Limited, Morris Fletcher, Museum of Modern Art, natural gas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Rabbi, Religion, Robert Letkiewicz, Rothschild family, secret intelligence services, Shore Pipeline - Russia Wagners Global, The Eliza and Walter Hall Institute of Medical Research, The John Wood Group, Tony Abbott, U.S. Army War College, U.S. Congress, Ukraine government, United Kingdom, United Nations, University of Michigan, US Federal Reserve, Wagners Pty Ltd, Wilson HTM Funds Management Pty Ltd, Wilson HTM Investment Group, World government, zionism No Comments »
Germans Refuse to Return Picasso Painting Sold by Jewish Man Fleeing the Nazis
March 31st, 2013 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
Stand your ground or the Jews will have your guts for garters..enough of this abuse of Germany! This painting was SOLD.. as were most paintings by wealthy Jews pre 1939, they took the money and RAN, now they want couldn’t make it up! The Jews started WW1 and WW2 so don’t blame Germany for […]
Posted in Germans Refuse to Return Picasso Painting Sold by Jewish Man Fleeing the Nazis, Jewish News, Jews, Jews = Zionism Tags: 19th-century composer, Bartholdy, Bavaria, Felix Mendelssohn, German Jews were the NAZIS, Germans Refuse to Return Picasso Painting Sold by Jewish Man Fleeing the Nazis, Germany, Guggenheim, John Byrne Jr., Justin K. Thannhauser, lawyer, Mendelssohn, Mendelssohn family, Modern art, Museum of Modern Art, Pablo Picasso, Paul von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, The Jews started WW1 and WW2 1 Comment »