TEHRAN–A team of cultural heritage experts has finished work to restore and strengthen the sole minaret of an ancient mosque that stands tall in the heart of Iran. “It was the second phase of restoration conducted as routine maintenance on the minaret of the Jameh Mosque of Natanz ,” CHTN quoted Natanz’s tourism chief as […]
Posts Tagged ‘mudbrick’
Ancient Skyscrapers: The Mudbrick Towerblocks of Yemen
November 10th, 2021 Awake Goy
Skyscrapers are a common sight in today’s cities. These modern structures trace their history to the late 19th century. Nevertheless, skyscrapers have precedents in earlier times, one of which being the mudbrick buildings of Yemen. These structures have been referred to as Yemen’s skyscrapers and are found at three cities in the country: Sana’a, Shibam, […]