Angelic Man LaVoy Finicum Slaughtered While Fighting for Rights of the People Mr. Finicum also Reportedly Sabotage by Federal Agents, Fights for What is Right, is Martyred, Fighting for the Cause of Good Updated, Feb. 11, 2016 One of the finest, kindest, nicest people in America, LaVoy Finicum, was shot to death in a plot by the […]
Posts Tagged ‘mounting’
Angelic Man LaVoy Finicum Slaughtered While Fighting for Rights of the People
Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders – he’s a diehard communist
From: As polls tighten and self-described socialist Bernie Sanders looks more like a serious contender than a novelty candidate for president, the liberal media elite have suddenly stopped calling him socialist. Hes now cleaned up as a progressive or pragmatist. But hes not even a socialist. Hes a communist. Mainstreaming […]
Dave Hodges and Sheila Zilinski-World War III Has Begun
Popular talk show host and writer host Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show joins Sheila for a riveting connection of the Rumblings in the Middle East, Russia, Syria, Obama, Gun Control, the TPP, Agenda 21. and the common denominator in the entire nefarious agenda. Is this World War […]
Like your coffee black? You may be a psychopath, study says
The Innsbruck University scientists tested over 1,000 people during their study. The first experiment involved about 500 people, 35 years old on average, who were asked to rate their food preferences, and then completed four personality tests. The tests checked aggression levels, asking the subjects to assess statements such as: “Given enough provocation, I may […]
Once again: Another school shooting to keep Russia and Syria out of mainstream news
There was another school shooting today and it’s taking top billing as the top news story of the day on all major networks. All press resources are apparently being directed to North Arizona University where one student is dead and three others are injured after a freshman opened fire on a group of students. […]