0000000 (SOTT) Hollywood has a long history of inserting political messages, social commentaries, subliminal effects and even cryptic warnings about the future into big budget films. So is someone attempting to use San Andreas to tell us something? For many years, doomsayers have been warning that the “Big One” is going to come along and […]
Posts Tagged ‘Mittagong’
Is ‘San Andreas’ A Cryptic Warning About What Is Going To Happen In America’s Future?
US Accidently Sends Live Anthrax To S Korean Army Base
0000000 (ASIA) The United States military has mistakenly sent live anthrax bacteria to laboratories in nine US states and a US airbase in South Korea, after apparently failing to properly inactivate the bacteria last year, US officials have said. The Pentagon said on Wednesday that there was no known suspected infection or risk to the […]
McDonald’s To Install Kiosks, Ushering Out Workers
0000000 (John S. Roberts) Well, we knew this was coming. It only makes sense. Why pay an uneducated person with limited skills $15.00 per hour when you can spend a few grand on a couple machines to do the exact same job? The Left, as usual, remains clueless to the fact that raising the minimum wage […]
Petrol Price Fixing Cartel in Southern Highlands NSW
I have been living in the Southern Highlands NSW for about 5 years now. Not once have I seen Petrol stations compete with each other. They all continue to have the exact same price throughout the Southern Highlands, from Exeter through to Mittagong. Since their daily prices are identical for 5 years now, surely this […]