July 29th, 2020 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World Astrology can be a controversial subject, with fervent followers and equally fervent detractors. As an astrologer, you quickly get used to people dismissing your subject out of hand. After all, it’s all made up nonsense, right? And there are 13 signs, anyway, not […]
Posts Tagged ‘misunderstandings’
German school bans miniskirts to not offend Muslims
September 10th, 2015 Awake Goy
From: i24news.tv Administration of school in Pocking, Bavaria sends letter to parents in order to prevent ‘misunderstandings’ A German high school banned revealing cloths and miniskirts this week, fearing the refugees residing in an adjacent shelter. The administration of the school, located in Pocking, Bavaria, sent a letter to the […]