In today’s show originally broadcast on May 30 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Misery Loves Company.” We discussed: how the public disgust at a school shooting in the UK resulted in guns being taken off the people in the 1990’s; the importance of Memorial Day; the […]
Posts Tagged ‘misery’
Lebanon: Trouble and Misery Keep On Piling Up
At a time when Lebanon is facing a severe economic and political crisis, new border tensions between Hezbollah and Israel are, quite naturally, particularly undesirable for the country. But this week, both Israel and militants of the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah attacked each other across the Israel–Lebanon border. It is unclear why each side […]
Why the Technocratic Mindset Produces Only Misery and Failure
It has the most fundamental aspect reality backwards Saw this article come across, come across my news alert for “Transhumanism”. In it Dr. David Eagleman talks about how not only can we augment human senses with fantastic new abilities (like to “see” heat and electromagnetic patterns), but how we’ll even be able to build machines that […]
Stunning ‘NYT’ report on Israel’s occupation causing Palestinian ‘misery’ was a long time coming
New York Times readers were astonished yesterday at what was on their front page — a very long, moving account of how Palestinians experience Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. The article’s headlines set the tone: first, “The Misery at the Heart of the Conflict,” followed by “. . . for millions of Palestinians, the […]
Coal Pollution Puts The Lives Of Villagers Into Misery And Land Them In Jail For Protesting It
On 19th March I along with Ananta , social activist, Advocate Pradosh Mohanty and Adv. Gaiendra Pradhan visited the villages like Kandadhuda, Beleimunda and Ratanpur in Hemagiri Block of Sundargarh District severally affected by acute pollution by MCL coal transport since 2012. We met with villagers including women who were ill treated, beaten by the […]
US Sanctions On Venezuela Have Failed To Achieve Anything But Death And Misery
Above photo: An antenna is located on a terrace after the US television satellite operator DirectTV announced its withdrawal from Venezuela. Pedro Rances Mattey / Getty Images. NOTE: Sign the petition calling on the Biden administration to end the economic war at And join us on Saturday, February 27 at 4:00 pm Eastern/1:00 pm Pacific […]
Most atrocious government in Israeli history should be put out of its misery
Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Views: 0
The Cursed Amethyst: Trail of Misfortune and Misery Follows Ancient Gem
The ‘Cursed Amethyst’, also known as the Delhi Purple Sapphire was incorrectly identified as a sapphire in the nineteenth century. This legendary gemstone remained hidden for three centuries beneath London’s Natural History Museum , before curator Peter Tandy removed the gem from its box to discover a curious note hidden beneath it telling a tragic, […]
Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World – Aspartame
Narrator Cori Brackett had a strange cause-and-effect experience with the diet cokes she was drinking and quickly found herself disabled and diagnosed with MS. Slowly able to walk and speak again, she believes her illness is linked to aspartame. She is a co-owner of a video/film production company. After 7000 miles, and 25 hours of […]
In propaganda coup for Israel, NYT frontpager ascribes Gaza’s misery to Palestinian infighting
The New York Times has published a long article about Gaza’s misery that begins on the front page today, and then takes up an entire inside page, under the headline, “With Gaza in Financial Crisis, Fears That ‘an Explosion’s Coming.’” The article is a manifesto from Hasbara Central — the Israeli propaganda arm — explaining […]
Luciferian Banker Confesses: “All Misery On Earth is a Business Model”
Dutch banking whistleblower Ronald Bernard is back and this time he’s exposing the entire international banking syndicate which controls not only the global monetary system, but the entire planet itself and all of its resources. The Bank For International Settlements sits atop the pyramid of power, followed by the IMF and World Bank. The power […]
The Globalization of Misery
The closest I ever got to Mosul, Iraqs second largest city, was 1,720.7 miles away or so the Internet assures me. Although Ive had a lifelong interest in history, I know next to nothing about Mosuls, nor do I have more than a glancing sense of what it looks like, or more accurately what it […]
National security state: The militarization of American culture
In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the growing influence of the “military-industrial complex” on American politics and policy. Interestingly, Eisenhower’s original formulation of the menace was the even more accurate “military-industrial-congressional complex.” (Emphasis added). Seeing how that network of special interests has worked its tentacles into so many aspects […]
Foreign investors slowly but surely returning to Russia
Portfolio investments in Russian assets are on the rise; for the second week in a row, Emerging Portfolio Fund Research Inc. marked an inflow of capital into Russia-oriented funds. At the same time, some analysts consider the country’s assets a leading investment even among other developing economies, Russian business magazine Expert reports. The week […]
Newman family firm a ‘bid to gain from misery’
THE company set up by Campbell Newman’s wife and her family is pushing ahead in its bid to secure Queensland government contracts in the wake of a politically explosive and unsolicited pitch for $30 million a year in disaster recovery work. Premier Anna Bligh yesterday accused the company, which is 60 per cent owned by […]