Posts Tagged ‘minke’

Young minke whale dies in Wellfleet Harbor, Massachusetts

     An International Fund for Animal Welfare marine mammal rescue and research team performed a necropsy on a young minke whale that stranded and died in Wellfleet on Wednesday, according to organization spokeswoman Kerry Branon. The male whale was spotted swimming in Wellfleet Harbor on Wednesday, but stranded and then died shortly after the team […]

Dead minke found whale in Charlevoix, Quebec

     The carcass of a whale has been found on the strike in Petite-Rivière-Saint-François, in Charlevoix, the end of last week. These are the people who have made the discovery. The Québec Network of emergency for the marine mammals, which has been notified, should come to get rid of the carcass this week. It would […]

Beyond Enlightenment understanding: Honoring the mystical in nature

     Ability to see the cultural value of wilderness boils down, in the last analysis, to a question of intellectual humility. Author and conservationist Aldo Leopold wrote these words in 1949, and they are all the more important today. As we enter the 21st century and today’s children look forward to living in the 22nd, […]

Strange sounds recorded in Mexico City’s sky

     El miércoles 20 de Abril pasadas las 12 am en la Ciudad de Mexico estaba descansando y comencé a darme cuenta que afuera se empezaban a escuchar sonidos extraños, me levante y empece a grabar. El video dura poco mas de dos min. pero los sonidos según mi calculo duraron de 10 a 15 […]

Cancer causing glyphosate herbicide now contaminating ORGANIC wines from California, says consumer group

(NaturalNews) Health food advocates, scientists and environmental activists, have long warned about the implications of widespread chemical use, particularly the over-application of herbicides and pesticides on crops. Those fears are now being confirmed, as science slowly begins to uncover the extent to which animals, humans and the environment have been contaminated with man-made, […]

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