Have you ever felt disconnected from the earth? Interesting question to ponder, and while some of us feel that in some sense we become disconnected when we spend too much time indoors or on technological devices, the truth is, we don’t disconnect from the earth and its natural rhythms entirely, cause if we did, you […]
Posts Tagged ‘milk’
This Experiment Proves Why Staying In Tune With The Earth’s Pulse Is Key To Our Wellbeing
THE Surprising Reasons Your Feet Hurt All The Time (And How To Get Quick Relief)
Some common causes of foot pain are fractures, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, heel spurs, gout and neuropathy. Your first step is to get your problem accurately diagnosed so it may be cared for properly, and then you may try some common natural solutions for different foot pain. Fractures: Diagnosis is made with an x-ray, […]
THE Surprising Reasons Your Feet Hurt All The Time (And How To Get Quick Relief)
Some common causes of foot pain are fractures, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, heel spurs, gout and neuropathy. Your first step is to get your problem accurately diagnosed so it may be cared for properly, and then you may try some common natural solutions for different foot pain. Fractures: Diagnosis is made with an x-ray, […]
Buchanan on the Trump Removal Stratagem
Patrick J. Buchanan December 11, 2015 Serbia comes to America. Calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration “until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on,” Donald Trump this week ignited a firestorm of historic proportions. As all the old hate words — xenophobe, racist, bigot — have lost their electric […]
URGENT ALERT — ‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"
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Backed By Science: Your Cats Can Enjoy Music That Has Been Designed Just For Them
It is difficult to imagine a world without music. It brings us so much joy over the course of our lives and can really lift us up when we are down, providing a comforting soundtrack to every possible mood. So imagine the thrill of going your whole life without hearing music and then, one day, suddenly being […]
California begins injecting children with mercury… flu shot ‘shortage’ cited as bizarre justification… state safety laws nullified to push vaccines
(NaturalNews) California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Diana S. Dooley has just cast aside a law intended to protect children from mercury in […]
Washington’s ‘anti-ISIS coalition’ never existed
The problem with America’s “anti-ISIS coalition” is not a matter of poor planning or a lack of resources. It is not a matter of lacking leadership or military might. The problem with America’s “anti-ISIS coalition” is that it never existed in the first place. There is no US-led war on ISIS, and what’s worse, […]
ISIS bought anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine via Kuwait cell
The information came from Kuwait’s Interior Ministry, which identified the leader of the group as a 45-year-old Lebanese national, Osama Khayat. The ringleader was detained first and gave up the information about the rest of the members during interrogation, the ministry said in a statement. READ MORE: Ukrainian uranium: ‘Nightmare’ situation brewing The cell was involved […]
No peace can come to Syria without Assad – Lavrov
“All the forecasts made by our colleagues in the West and some other parties that the people would rise up and oust him never came true. This means one thing: Assad represents the interests of a significant part of Syrian society. So no peaceful solution can be found without his participation,” the top Russian diplomat […]
China buys 24 advanced Russian Su-35 warplanes in estimated $2bn landmark deal
“The long negotiation on the Su-35 sale to China has been completed. We have signed a contract,” Sergey Chemezov, the head of the Russian state-owned high-tech giant Rostec, told Kommersant business daily. Chemezov didn’t disclose the details of the deal, but Kommersant cited sources in the Russian arms industry as saying that China had purchased […]
The Police State Is Slavery – Abolition, Not Reform, Is the Only Solution
Last week I wrote an article entitled ‘Accountability Is Futile – Abolish the Police‘ in which I laid out the reasons in which ‘accountability’ is a logic impossibility owing to the nature of the self-preservation instinct which exists even in abstract entities like systems and institutions. While that article laid out HOW accountability is not […]
CONFIRMED: Stingray devices used illegally by IRS and other federal agencies can record phone calls after all
(NaturalNews) For the past several years, the Obama administration has been fighting against transparency calls in a bid to hide details about the government’s use of so-called “stingray” surveillance technology from the general public. The devices, which we have reported on here and here, are designed to conduct covert surveillance by simulating cell […]
Text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership November 5th, 2015 Via: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: The text of the TPP was released by TPP Parties on 5 November 2015 and can be accessed by Chapter below. […]
Man survives black bear attack in Eastpoint, Florida
It wasn’t an ordinary day at the Sportsman’s Lodge and Hotel. Charlie Griffin came face to face with a bear after checking the dumpster Friday. “I done this and a bear came out of there, I couldn’t get away from him,” said Griffin. He says the 400 pound bear popped out of the dumpster […]
Morocco Poised to Become a Solar Superpower with Launch of Desert Mega-Project
Morocco Poised to Become a Solar Superpower with Launch of Desert Mega-Project October 26th, 2015 Disclosure: I sell solar power systems in New Zealand. — Via: Guardian: When the full complex is complete, it will be the largest concentrated solar power (CSP) plant in […]
Cameron’s Attack on ‘Terrorist-Sympathising’ Corbyn Resembles a Mccarthyist Witch-Hunt
The steel barricades that surrounded this year’s Tory party conference in Manchester are gone. They were torn down not long after all the political VIPs departed this city to turn the speeches of the home secretary, the chancellor and the prime minister into policies that will effect not only this country, but the EU and […]
The Failure of Raw Milk Prohibition
Karen De CosterKarenDeCoster.com September 6, 2011 The August 3, 2011 shakedown of the Rawesome food cooperative in Venice, California, in spite of the tragic outcome, has produced one positive result. The ruthless raid on the part of miscellaneous government agencies has sparked a wave of unprecedented discord over the question – How can government […]
FDA wages secret war on raw milk farmers using KGB-style spying and infiltration techniques
Mike Adams Infowars.com August 25, 2011 After weeks of investigation, NaturalNews can now reveal that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is waging a clandestine war on raw milk dairy farmers through a network of government spies who are coached on infiltration and social engineering techniques. Resembling the Stasi East German police or KGB […]