*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Abstract Near-total adherence to false scientific theories is the striking parallel between 19th century miasma theory associated with cholera, dispelled by Dr. John Snow, and 21st century “miasmas”, namely, the anthropogenic-carbon-dioxide-cause of global warming theory, and its presumed “cure” by geoengineering, undisclosed jet-spraying particulate pollution into the troposphere. […]
Posts Tagged ‘miasma’
Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Injustice Industrial Complex, and the Human Miasma
March 24th, 2021 Awake Goy
As his 67th birthday nears, and Pennsylvania political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal faces challenging and potentially fatal health crises, his legal case is still slowly winding its way through the arduous appellate court system. — New court filings for Abu-Jamal’s appeal, Workers World, March 22. Injustice is an industry in the United States of America, just […]