Next Story The morning following televised award shows always proves to hold more weight in what actually was of influence than the lengthy event itself. Sure, it’s nice to know who won what, but most of the time it seems our real attention is on the performances or speeches given in between – especially when […]
Posts Tagged ‘metoo’
Oprah’s Golden Globe Speech & Why The Hashtag #MeToo Trend Is Coming To An End
Where is the #MeToo movement for Ahed Tamimi
Sixteen-year-old Ahed Tamimi was back in court yesterday, with the judge ruling for the third time that her detention is extended, this time for another five days. Over the past week and a half, Ahed has been shuffled between numerous Israeli prisons and police stations. She has been held in painfully cold isolation cells with […]
Are We Ready for Truth and Reconciliation Around Sexual Violence? #MeToo
December 18th, 2017 By Lissa Rankin Guest writer for Wake Up World A teenage Icelandic woman is raped by her Australian boyfriend after she’s had too much to drink. In his own immature, conditioned teenage mind, he doesn’t call it rape. Because the media and pornography and the way fathers raise sons and bro’s egg on bro’s, […]
Watching The Hawks – National Securitys #MeToo & Deadly Verdict
Watching The Hawks – National Securitys #MeToo & Deadly Verdict Watching The The #MeToo allegations of sexual harassment spread to the national security world. A shocking moment at The Hague as a convicted general from Bosnia publicly commits suicide in the courtroom. Publisher Robin Philpot delves into NATOs goals and motivations in causing chaos […]
Tweet #MeToo to the Devil’s Sex Slaves
Rose McGowan has accused deposed Media Mogul Harvey Weinstein of having violated her. McGowan wants women to take to twitter relay their experiences of sexual assault with a two word message “#MeToo”. No one in the media has mentioned that McGowan, Marilyn Manson’s ex-girflriend, is an Illuminati sex slave. Alyssa Milano is the other actress […]