“The modern families I know give everything to their children, spoil them, attend all their sporting and social events, and basically leave them little or no chance for living their own lives. These families by and large have no room for God in their lives.” (Disclaimer- IMO Serving family doesn’t interfere with serving God but […]
Posts Tagged ‘menez’
Edward Menez – Selfies Are Sins of Pride
Left, Detail of Pride from The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things by Hieronymus Bosch, c. 1500. “What has this world come to when the phone in our hands has become the Mark of the Beast? Satan must surely be laughing and rejoicing at our constant sin. I recommend that we […]
Edward Menez – Organized Jewry has Destroyed the West
Assimilation……or Clannishness? Western nations are reaching a tipping point. They are about to rise up against the migrants and their Masonic Jewish sponsors i.e. Klaws Swab & the WEF. by Edward Menez (henrymakow.com) Close to 20 years ago I asked a question of my predominantly Hispanic high school students, almost all of those of Mexican decent. […]
Edward Menez – Cabalist Jews Flee Biden’s Sinking Ship
Just like the Covid-madness (lockdowns, masks, vaccines) where many Jewish commentators are asking for amnesty and forgiveness, the Jews are now asking for detachment from the Democratic Party. No, there will be no forgiveness and forgetfulness from this quarter as to what the Covid scamdemic and the Democratic Party have heaped on this country, and […]
Edward Menez – Jews Have Controlled Iran for Over 1000 Years
(left, Crown Prince Mohammed Reza Pahlevi) Freemasons have been on both sides of every world war. The next one will be no different. They use wars to cull the human herd and make money. Hell on Earth is the Satanist’s dream. Partisans on both sides are committing suicide. Disclaimer – I don’t agree with Menez’s […]
Edward Menez – Is France Our Future?
We are told and shown that there is a race war going on in France now–doesn’t it remind you of something from three years ago? Right….the George Floyd riots. In both cases, a minority citizen was supposedly killed by a rogue white police officer. In both cases, nationwide rioting broke out, with people of the […]