Posts Tagged ‘megaliths’

The Megaliths of Baalbek

Trilithons and megaliths of ancient Baalbek are the largest stones ever used by man in construction. [embedded content] Share now! Source Views: 0

The Megaliths of Baalbek

Trilithons and megaliths of ancient Baalbek are the largest stones ever used by man in construction. [embedded content] Share now! Source Views: 0

Archaeoacoustics and Ancient Architecture: Megaliths, Music and the Mind

Before introducing the Big Question, let’s ponder a minute. Isn’t it amazing that for hundreds of thousands of years, all of humankind lived the same way everywhere on Earth.  Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News Ancient Places Asia Unexplained Phenomena Read Later  Views: 0

Phallic Ethiopian Megaliths Are 1000 Years Older Than Believed

Ethiopia’s Gedeo zone has the largest concentration of stone stelae in Africa. A new study published in the Journal of African Archaeology has pushed back the dates of megalithic stelae dotting the landscape of the Gedeo zone in southern Ethiopia by a whole millennium, from AD 1100 to 50 BC! Ashenafi Zena, Ethiopian native and lead author […]

The Biggest Megaliths On Earth

» Massive protest in Melbourne as SIXTH ‘snap lockdown’ declaredYesterday at 9:49 am by PurpleSkyz » The Biggest Megaliths On EarthYesterday at 8:50 am by PurpleSkyz » Dark Journalist X-105: Female Targets Supernatural Eugenics Hollywood Mystery!Yesterday at 8:45 am by PurpleSkyz » “They Don’t Want Me Talking About This..” – Edward Snowden (2021)Yesterday at 8:34 am by PurpleSkyz » Body Language: Governor Cuomo RespondsYesterday […]

Megaliths Covered with Mysterious Engravings Unearthed in France

In 2018, archaeologists working for the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research, or INRAP, uncovered an expansive and unusually well-preserved megalithic site near the municipality of Massogny in France. INRAP’s ongoing analysis of the stone megaliths and adjacent village found at the site called Chemin des Bels has revealed in-depth information about the beliefs […]

5 Must See Megaliths of the Mysterious Nuragic People

All over the Mediterranean island of Sardinia exist megalithic marvels that date from almost 4000 years ago. These mostly limestone structures are believed to have belonged to a civilization now known as the Nuragic people. Called ‘nuraghe’, they are a wonder to visit and immerse oneself in the ancient civilization that, for some reason – be it internal struggles, or external invasion – had reason to construct thousands of these highly defensive edifices. Here we […]

Dolmens and Devilish Myths of the Wéris Megaliths, Belgium’s Stonehenge

Chocolate, waffles, Manneken Pis and the defeat of Napoleon are among the many things Belgium is famous for, but it also has prehistoric remains such as the Wéris megaliths situated in Wallonia. The stone megaliths are all that remain of what was once a major Neolithic burial site and they are unique in Belgium. The […]

Did Aryan Giants Build the European Megaliths?

The medieval Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus insisted that giants must have once existed, because only they, with their awesome strength and superhuman capabilities, could have built the dolmens, menhirs, massive walls, and other structures that are strewn across Western Europe. The idea of a vast megalithic culture that once dominated much of Europe in the […]

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