In late 2013, alarming cruelty was filmed at the Festival of Sacrifice in Gaza. The live exporter at the heart of this exposé was not new to this type of controversy — they had already been exposed for recurring breaches in Jordan. So despite an official Government investigation, Animals Australia remained concerned that abuses […]
Posts Tagged ‘meat industry’
Jews Cry Persecution as Denmark Bans Animal Torture
Daily Stormer February 20, 2014 With the practice of Kosher slaughter, Jews prove that they are not human beings. The Jewish infection of Denmark is crying Antisemitism as the nation has officially and completely banned their sick animal torture behaviors. Can you imagine any worse sort of crybabying? I mean, I am a vicious and […]
Walmart animal cruelty
WATCH: Pigs Kicked, Punched, and Spiked Like Footballs at Tyson Factory Farm A shocking undercover investigation by Mercy For Animals exposes routine and sadistic animal abuse at a Tyson factory farm that supplies pork to Walmart. Workers kick, punch, throw and gouge the eyes of mother pigs and piglets. Learn more and take action at […]
Australian Meat industry animal cruelty
Print Email Facebook Twitter More Australian Meat Industry footage of Egyptian cattle cruelty revealed 7.30 By Matt Peacock, staff Updated 2 hours 14 minutes ago Video: WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Watch 7.30’s story on the abattoir footage (7.30) Photo: The footage shows a worker repeatedly stabbing a bull until it dies. (7.30) Related Story: Egypt promises […]