Energy companies are billing them as the “green” solution to traditional meters. But are so-called “smart” meters really all that smart? And, more importantly, are they really as safe as we’re all being told they are? Some 65 million American homes already have them, and more are being converted all the time, even against the […]
Posts Tagged ‘man’
Planet with 3 suns discovered
If you thought Luke Skywalker’s home planet, Tatooine, was a strange world with its two suns in the sky, imagine this: a planet where you’d either experience constant daylight or enjoy triple sunrises and sunsets each day, depending on the seasons, which happen to last longer than human lifetimes. Such a world has been […]
Protests Erupt In Minnesota After Black Man Is Killed By Cop
Philando Castile A harrowing Facebook video showing a black man getting shot and killed by a cop while sitting in his car with his wife and kid has sparked outrage. Protesters have gathered outside the Governor’s mansion in Minnesota after footage emerged of a woman live-streaming her dying boyfriend’s last seconds after he was fatally shot […]
"Senior" Mourns Canada’s Bicultural Heritage
July 6, 2016 left. CBC-TV’s Toronto news team. Visible minorities are only 20% of the Canadian population but whites watching TV already feel like a minority. Indeed Toronto is already 50% coloured. by Joe I am so fed-up having to face such obvious race mixing and migrant/refugee propaganda. It also seems that practically every […]
Congressmen Urge House To Declassify Secret 28 Pages of 9/11 Inquiry
During the previous White House administration, President George W. Bush classified the 28-page chapter to allegedly protect intelligence sources. In 2014, President Barack Obama ordered a declassification review of the redacted pages from the December 2002 congressional report known as the Final Report of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the […]
Kyle Henning – Jackson (WI) Police Officer Featured on CopBlock in 2010 – Kills Man on Duty
There are a few officers I’ve had encounters with over the years that I will never forget. “Deputy” Atkins in Mississippi, Tim Peloquin in New Hampshire and Todd M. Dodge in Massachusetts are just a few. Another is Kyle Henning of the Jackson, Wisconsin police department. Kyle became a cop around the time I started In […]
Man Shot by Baton Rouge Police Officers Caught on Video (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
was born and raised in Wisconsin, traveled the country in a RV dubbed “MARV” and is an advocate of a voluntary society, where force is replaced with voluntary interactions. He’s partaken in projects such as, Motorhome Diaries, Liberty on Tour, Free Keene, Free Talk Live and is the Founder of ____________________________________________________________________________ If you enjoy my […]
October 2 is Decision Time for Austria, Hungary
Austria and Hungary will face momentous electoral questions in October 2016: the former will hold a new presidential election campaign on October 2, while Hungary will hold a referendum on the European Union’s forced invader “redistribution program” on the same day. In Vienna, the Austrian government has announced that the presidential election rerun—ordered by […]
Carnage in Istanbul, Dhaka and Baghdad. Who are the Masterminds behind ISIS-Daesh Terrorism?
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Americans Don’t Know Why They Celebrate 4th of July
Americans Don’t Know Why They Celebrate 4th of July July 4th, 2016 Via: Mark Dice: <!– –> <!– AD […]
Islamic State Paid To Carry Out Attacks In Islamic Republic Of Iran
Tehran Islamic State/ISIS militants linked to the Sunni sect of Islam were paid 600,000 euros to carry out a bombing campaign in over 50 locations in Tehran and other major cities in predominantly Shi’ite Iran, according to an Islamic Republic TV documentary. Reuters reports: Officials in predominantly Shi’ite Iran have said in recent weeks that […]
US supplies Ukrainian army with advanced radar systems, clashes ongoing in Donbass
The Ukrainian Army has received four advanced counterbattery radar systems and 10 countermortar radar systems from the United States military, according to Russian language news accounts. The systems, used at the battalion level by US troops, are among the most advanced of its type in the world. The systems enables the operator to pinpoint […]
Tokyo to review ‘one-sided’ privileged status of Americans working at US bases in Japan
The two sides have agreed that American civilians paid by the US government to work for the US military in Japan should be subject to the Japan-US Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), a Japanese government source told Kyodo news agency. “Japan and the United States are currently reviewing the treatment of Americans subject to the […]
Cops Show Up to “Protect” a Mother and Father — By Beating Them Into the Dirt
Claire Bernish | The Free Thought Project An excessive force lawsuit has been filed against Rosenberg Police Department over a brutal and unnecessarily violent incident in July 2014 — partially captured on cell phone video footage. According to the suit, as Fox26 reported, Christine and Steven Saenz had been […]
Slick Willy, Caught with His Pants Down Again, Lynched Hillary and Obama by Accident
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The Uncensored Truth About Mandatory Vaccines According to Rob Schneider
Jefferey Jaxen, ContributorWaking Times “The most basic of all human rights is the ability to have control over your own body and be able to exercise informed consent when making medical decisions that can harm you or your child.” -Rob Schneider The year was 2014 and California just passed Assembly Bill 2109 […]
As Many as 2 Dozen Cops Involved in Sexual Exploitation of Underage Girl
Matthew Renda | Courthouse News Service SAN FRANCISCO (CN) – The sexual misconduct scandal rocking the Oakland Police Department has infected other Bay Area law enforcement agencies. The Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office announced the resignation of Ricardo Perez, the latest officer implicated in the sexual exploitation of a […]