Posts Tagged ‘machetes’

England | Muslim Mobs Roam the Streets with Knives and Machetes Unchecked by Police as Labour Gov’t Prepares to Crack Down on “Far-Right Thugs”

BRITAIN BURNING: | Richard Abelson  Riots continued in Liverpool, Hull, Manchester, Belfast and at least 7 other UK cities Saturday as the System Media blamed the indigenous population for defending their country and mobs of Muslim men armed with knives and machetes roamed the streets in several British cities. Police braced for fresh violence […]

Massive brawl in London: Men with machetes and metal pipes smash cars

Video shows the shocking moment a group of men armed with metal pipes and knives faced off during a late night brawl in east London. The footage, shot by a witness who wishes to remain anonymous, shows several of the men hitting cars with their weapons during the frenzied attack Monday night. A couple of cars were damaged while […]

Blacks battle in Broad Daylight with Machetes and Samurai Swords in London Hyde Park

    Disgus7ted Britons have taken to social media to condemn a violent attack on a young man by a group of black youths armed with machetes and long knives that took place in one of the city’s most prestigious parks in broad daylight. Tuesday evening’s attack was filmed by several people who were enjoying […]

Wendy’s to replace thousands of cashiers with automated kiosks… $15 wage demands lead to accelerating unemployment and social unrest

(NaturalNews) While whiney, over-privileged “safe space” millennials were marching through the streets demanding $15 an hour wages, fast food giants like Wendy’s were quietly working on automation innovations to make them obsolete. Now, Wendy’s has announced a rollout that would terminate the employment of thousands of cashiers by replacing them with automated kiosks […]

Wendy’s to replace thousands of cashiers with automated kiosks… $15 wage demands lead to accelerating unemployment and social unrest

(NaturalNews) While whiney, over-privileged “safe space” millennials were marching through the streets demanding $15 an hour wages, fast food giants like Wendy’s were quietly working on automation innovations to make them obsolete. Now, Wendy’s has announced a rollout that would terminate the employment of thousands of cashiers by replacing them with automated kiosks […]

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