Posts Tagged ‘loyalty’


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American Jewish visitor forced to sign loyalty oath in order to get tourist visa to Israel

In an apparent escalation of Israel’s anti-BDS policy, an American Jew disclosed to Mondoweiss that in order to receive a valid visa they were forced to sign a loyalty oath to the state of Israel.  Just a few weeks ago, the individual, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, was summoned to the Interior […]

FDA Loyalty to Big Pharma Exposed in Move to Ban Plant that’s CURING Opioid Addiction

Matt Agorist, GuestWaking Times Drug overdoses killed roughly 64,000 people in the United States last year, according to the government’s own account of nationwide drug deaths to cover all of 2016. The vast majority of those deaths are from opioid-based substances such as fentanyl, heroin, and prescription opioids. Now, a natural plant that is helping people kick […]

Antisemitism bill hearing reflects disagreement in Jewish community over dual loyalty

@ The Antisemitism Awareness Act In lexicography, the practice of compiling dictionaries, there are two kinds of definitions: descriptive and prescriptive. Understanding this key difference in how definitions are categorized is indispensible to comprehending the battle(s) that rage over the meaning of the term “antisemitism”. “Descriptive” definitions are just that: they describe how people actually […]

Texas City To Residents: Sign Loyalty Oath to Israel or No Hurricane Harvey Relief Funds

By Aaron Kesel U.S. citizens in the state of Texas are being asked to support Israel if they want Hurricane Harvey relief funds, a move which experts are calling illegal, Houston Press reported. The city of Dickinson is demanding its citizens sign a loyalty oath to Israel that states they will never seek to […]

Trump Conjures up anti-Semitic ‘Dual Loyalty’ Canard

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China Unveils over 100 Smartphone Apps to Track ‘Loyalty’ to Communism

The Communist Party of China (CPC) is boasting of over 100 smartphone applications designed to allow senior party members to more accurately track their underlings’ loyalty, based in part on how much communist propaganda the individual consumes on the app. The Chinese state newspaper Global Times notes that these apps “place additional pressure on members to properly […]

The Big Picture – Proof! Godfather Trump Has Embraced Revenge & Loyalty for Decades

The Big Picture – Proof! Godfather Trump Has Embraced Revenge & Loyalty for Decades By The Big On tonights Big Picture, Thom Hartman discusses the parallels between the Labour Partys gains in the U.K. and the progressive movement in the U.S. with Larry Cohen of Our Revolution. Then, Thom talks to Dave McCulloch of […]

May 1 – Does "Loyalty Day" Reveal Trump’s Satanism?

  April 30, 2017 Bait and switch?  According to The New American, this was the traditional day in the Soviet Union and the communist bloc countries for massive parades, replete with missiles, tanks, rank upon rank of goose-stepping troops, red flags, and huge posters of Marx and Lenin. This has not changed in countries that […]

May 1 – Does "Loyalty Day" Reveal Trump’s Satanism?

  April 30, 2017 Bait and switch?  According to The New American, this was the traditional day in the Soviet Union and the communist bloc countries for massive parades, replete with missiles, tanks, rank upon rank of goose-stepping troops, red flags, and huge posters of Marx and Lenin. This has not changed in countries that […]

May 1 – Does "Loyalty Day" Reveal Trump’s Satanism?

  April 30, 2017 Bait and switch?  According to The New American, this was the traditional day in the Soviet Union and the communist bloc countries for massive parades, replete with missiles, tanks, rank upon rank of goose-stepping troops, red flags, and huge posters of Marx and Lenin. This has not changed in countries that […]

May 1 – Does "Loyalty Day" Reveal Trump’s Satanism?

  April 30, 2017 Bait and switch?  According to The New American, this was the traditional day in the Soviet Union and the communist bloc countries for massive parades, replete with missiles, tanks, rank upon rank of goose-stepping troops, red flags, and huge posters of Marx and Lenin. This has not changed in countries that […]

You’ll Never Believe the Reason Why the Middle Class is Shrinking

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Stephen Rose, labor economist with the Urban Institute, has released a paper on the real reason why the middle class is shrinking in America. Rose explains that the middle class has been going through a makeover and moving on up to […]

The Madness of Turkey’s ‘Sultan’ Erdogan

05.25.16 The Turkish president’s addiction to power is a disease his country can no longer afford. LONDON—Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to power in 2002, a year after the formation of his AK party. But spending 11 years as prime minister wasn’t enough. In 2011, Erdogan changed the system, clearing the way for him to […]

Home Office Grants Asylum To Refugee Who Walked The Channel Tunnel To UK

A Sudanese man has been granted asylum in the UK after he was arrested walking the length of the Channel Tunnel from France to England last August. The Guardian reports: Abdul Haroun, who was arrested at the English end of the tunnel in August and charged with obstructing a railway under an obscure 19th-century law, has […]

The Logic Of The Police State

Print Friendly People Are Waking Up to the Darkness in American Policing, and the Police Don’t Like It One Bit If you’ve been listening to various police agencies and their supporters, then you know what the future holds: anarchy is coming — and it’s all the fault of activists. In May, a Wall Street Journal op-ed warned […]

WikiLeaks: US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia Planned to Overthrow Syrian Govt. in 2006

Speaking from Ecuador’s embassy in London, Julian Assange revealed that the United States planned to overthrow the Syrian government as far back as 2006, several years before the start of the current crisis. The founder of WikiLeaks took refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador in 2012. The premises remain under siege 24 hours […]

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