Dave Mihalovic, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Children currently receive 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of six. Experts now claim more than one vaccine within a one-year period may be programming children for depression by creating over overactive immune systems. Carmine Pariante and his team at King’s College London recently […]
Posts Tagged ‘lost’
Vladimir Putin: NWO Makes Me Laugh
Human beings did not invent practical reason; it was there long before we even existed. The major difference between us and NWO agents is that we have submitted our appetite to practical reason, but they have submitted practical reason to their appetite. by Jonas E. Alexis You certainly cannot make this stuff up. NATO allies […]
Anonymous Declares War On Big Pharma
Anonymous have declared war on Big Pharma, the CDC, FDA and Monsanto over the poisoning of our children #Op_Pharma is focused on exposing and spreading awareness on the lies and corruption of the Medical establishment, Big Pharma Corporations and their cronies. HealthyFoodPro reports: An “Anonymous” YouTube user named “TheAnonMessage” has just announced #Op_Pharma, a coordinated […]
On one breath: Risks & thrills of freediving featured in new RT documentary
The pressure increases with every meter. Lungs are subjected to as much as 10 times more compression, and the heartbeat slows to a crawl. For some pro athletes, their bodies change forever, even on land. There is no place for adrenaline in freediving. The pacing must be immaculate, or the diver risks serious injury, even […]
Manus Island Closure Crisis
The invader center set up by the Australian government at Manus Island, Papua New Guinea (PNG), is to be closed after that country’s Supreme Court ruled it to be illegal. The center’s closure will now cause a political standoff between Australia and PNG, because it was set up as part of a successful strategy […]
Iran, Japan stress bilateral N. cooperation
TEHRAN (ISNA)- Iran and Japan stressed Improving nuclear cooperation. Japanese new ambassador to Iran and Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi discussed expanding bilateral ties in issues of mutual interests. They also continued cooperation in various nuclear fields, especially nuclear safety. By ISNA Source Article from http://theiranproject.com/blog/2016/04/26/iran-japan-stress-bilateral-n-cooperation/ Views: 0
Anti-Muslim sentiment skyrockets: DOJ launches campaign in response
Concerned with increased anti-Muslim threats and backlash in the wake of terror attacks in Europe and San Bernardino, California, numerous attorneys from the US Justice Department are launching a campaign to combat discrimination. US attorneys from 11 states will meet with local officials, community leaders, and law enforcement between April 12 and May 6 […]
Floods in Malawi leave at least 12 dead and force thousands to evacuate
Heavy rains which have persisted in the Northern and Central regions of Malawi for several days have led to fatal floods in some low-lying areas. At least ten people are feared dead and hundreds of families displaced. A number of buildings and homes were also reported to have collapsed due to the floods. Many […]
Here’s How Weighted Blankets Are Helping People With Anxiety
Stress, anxiety, and insomnia affect millions of people worldwide, and to alleviate the symptoms, there are a variety of routes one can take, including the ever-popular pharmaceutical pills. But as our world continues to break through the madness of synthetic options and expose each other to holistic options derived from both ancient teachings as well as present-day […]
Jews Admit Their Support of Mass Non-White Immigration is a Self-Protection Mechanis
From: algemeiner.com The Torah reiterates, no less than 36 times, versions of the commandment to love the stranger as ourselves, for we know the heart of a stranger, as we were once strangers in the land of Egypt. The Exodus narrative is not just about the suffering and flight of the Jews, […]
Declassified Docs Reveal Full Horror Of CIA Mind Control Program
Recently declassified CIA documents reveal the horrific depths to which a U.S. government-sponsored mind control program (MK Ultra) sank to in the 1950’s and 60’s. Project MKUltra was designed to create assassins and “super spies” out of ordinary U.S. citizens – who underwent traumatic experimentation by the CIA without consent or knowledge of what was taking place. Cultureofawareness.com reports: […]
The Spirit of Free Enterprise Beckons
Many fondly believe that media is open to all shades of opinion. How can we suggest censorship or suppression when the right to self-expression is upheld for sexual freaks and the anti-Christ? Ironically, it is unhindered access to degeneracy that reinforces this false belief. Generations go from womb to tomb thinking there isn’t a single […]
Activists Halt Drilling For AIM Pipeline
Print Friendly Above Photo: From Facebook.com/ Minister Erik R. McGregor 11 arrests as Activists halt drilling for AIM Pipeline near Indian Point. ResistAIM Defenders chain themselves to Access Gate to Halt Hudson River Drilling for AIM Pipeline. Drilling at the Verplanck site is on-ongoing for Spectra’s new AIM Pipeline. Today at 6 AM, 26 people took […]
Bill seeking to suppress BDS rejected in Virginia state legislature
The following press release was issued by the The Freedom2Boycott in Virginia Coalition: Freedom2Boycott in Virginia Thanks Senators for Tabling Bill Seeking to Suppress Boycotts Related to Israeli Human Rights Abuses; Urges Them to Reject Resolution Condemning BDS March 1, 2016 The Freedom2Boycott in Virginia Coalition welcomes Monday’s unanimous decision of the Senate General Laws and […]
First sexually transmitted Zika case confirmed in Europe, as US reveals two cases
Marisol Touraine, minister for social affairs and health, revealed that the case was recorded in a woman in Paris. The minister told the AFP that the woman had been infected by her partner who had recently returned from Brazil, an active Zika zone. Two cases of the deadly Zika virus being contracted through sexual contact have […]
The Milk You Should Never Ever Drink
First, let us consider its contents: Natural Flavor, Soymilk (Filtered Water, Whole Soybeans), Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D2, Cane Sugar, Sea Salt, Carrageenan, Riboflavin (B2). These are the most important reasons shy you should stop drinking soy milk: -Soybeans include haemagglutinin, which is a substance which causes clots, which leads to […]
Snyder invites himself to testify to Congress, releases 20,000 emails concerning Flint water crisis
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (R) invited himself to speak before the House Oversight Committee concerning the Flint water crisis amidst the release of over 20,000 emails from various state agencies involved in the failure to prevent lead contamination. A Thursday phone call to congressional committee chairman Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) led to Governor Snyder […]
Japan: New Docs Link Polluted Drinking Water Supply to Massive US Military Base
Source Article from http://www.globalresearch.ca/japan-new-docs-link-polluted-drinking-water-supply-to-massive-us-military-base/5507043 Views: 0