About a year ago Linus Sebastian started a series of videos about using Linux as a daily driver. His approach to the challenge may have been entertaining to some, where other’s reaction to his poor choices on tasks, was what can be described as pussyfooting around. Would it be not true to say that they […]
Posts Tagged ‘linus’
Linus’ Linux video – Techies too scared to call out the industry heavyweight?
August 20th, 2023 Awake Goy
Linus Tech Tips / Linus Media Group misleading users, bigger problem than initally exposed?
August 19th, 2023 Awake Goy
Linus’ tech channel is a multimillion corporation, which is the go to place for many people who make decisions from this corporation’s advice/tests. No corporation is immune from fraud, and fraud can take place under many guises. Are they just simple mistakes or deliberately concealed errors in order to be the ‘first to market’ with […]