Visualizing The BRICS Expansion In 4 Charts BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, AUG 26, 2023 – 07:45 AM BRICS is an association of five major countries including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Distinguished by their emerging economies, the group has sought to improve diplomatic coordination, reform global financial institutions, and ultimately serve as a counterbalance to Western hegemony. On […]
Posts Tagged ‘lined’
The Ever Growing BRICS Coalition; 40 NATIONS Lined Up to Join; Why the U.S. MUST Join the BRICS
Dear Americans: You live in the Most Corrupt Country in the World & This is Why You Are Lined Up at Food Banks
0436December 7, 2020 Volunteers distribute food to people who waited in line in their cars overnight, at a food distribution point in Metairie, La.. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert) (Associated Press) The deadly pandemic that tore through the nation’s heartland struck just as Aaron Crawford was in a moment of crisis. He was looking for work, his […]
Former CEO of Twitter Fantasizes About “People Lined Up Against the Wall and Shot” in New Communist Revolution
This past week the former CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo, tweeted out that “me-first capitalists” would be the first ones “shot in the revolution.” I guess the “woke” capitalists who have been pushing BLM down everyone’s throats will get a free pass when the revolution happens. Given this man’s phenotype (he looks stereotypically jewish, though […]
Former Twitter CEO Calls For Political Enemies To Be ‘Lined Up Against The Wall and Shot’
Former Twitter CEO and leftwing activist Dick Costolo has publicly called for people who disagree with his political ideology to be “lined up against the wall and shot.” But Twitter isn’t political and there’s no Big Tech bias against conservatives, honest! “Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be […]
Will Bolton Cost Trump His Nobel? Powerful Interests Lined Up Against Korean Peace
WASHINGTON – Seemingly discontent with the progress made towards peace on the Korean peninsula, John Bolton, Donald Trump’s new national security adviser, asserted that the United States is currently using the “Libya model” in guiding the denuclearization of North Korea – a model that eventually led to the destruction of the North African country and […]
Air pollution and asthma: People living in tree-lined neighborhoods have fewer attacks
(Natural News) According to a recent study, people who reside in polluted urban areas are far less likely to be hospitalized due to asthma if there are a lot of trees in their neighborhood. Based on a study by the University of Exeter‘s medical school, the effect of urban greenery on asthma implies that our respiratory health can […]
Supercharge your detox with these 6 superfoods
“Heavy metal toxicity—from metals such as mercury, aluminum, copper, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, and lead—represents one of the greatest threats to our health and well-being.” ~ Anthony William, author of Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal Every person has been exposed to heavy metals throughout their lives, often […]