On display at the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum is an item that you won’t find in the women’s aisle of your local drugstore today. Among pharmaceutical oddities such as leeches and tinctures, the museum houses a box of early tampons soaked in opium and belladonna. What’s more, these products were in fact prescribed to […]
Posts Tagged ‘libraries’
100+ Monsanto Employees Crash Presentation On GE Crops & Pesticides
November 7th, 2015 Awake Goy
Print Friendly Above Photo: From Centerforfoodsafety.org. On Oct 14th, I presented the findings of our Pesticides in Paradise report on the island of Moloka‘i. At around 5:45 PM, about 15 minutes before the presentation was going to start, 100+ Monsanto employees, all dressed in neon yellow shirts, arrived. As I stared at the long line of workers, […]