Next Story Electrophotonic analysis in medicine is something that’s been gaining more attention from scientists and researchers from all over the world. It’s one case -of many -that demonstrates how humanity is continually moving toward a scientific understanding of what is considered Ancient Eastern Mysticism. We see similarities between science and mysticism quite often these […]
Posts Tagged ‘layout’
Scientists Chart The Layout of Human Chakras & Show How We Can Properly Align Them
September 24th, 2017 Awake Goy
Research links tundra fires, thawing permafrost
November 10th, 2015 Awake Goy
An aerial view of the Anaktuvuk River fire in 2007. Credit: Christopher Arp Wildfires on Arctic tundra can contribute to widespread permafrost thaw much like blazes in forested areas, according to a study published in the most recent issue of the online journal Scientific Reports. The project, led by the U.S. Geological Survey, examined the […]