Goulburn Police are notorious for their violent assaults against the public. Goulburn Police are also experts at fabricating the truth to cover their criminal behavior. Here is an article about a man named Kevin Norris, that was tasered to death at Bowral Police station by Goulburn Police. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/death-in-custody-of-kevin-norris-at-bowral-police-station-due-to-police-taser-says-girlfiend/story-fni0cx12-1227181707845 Notice Goulburn Police (organized crime gang) and […]
Posts Tagged ‘Law_Crime’
Goulburn Police assault and taser Bowral man to death at Bowral police station
January 12th, 2015 Awake Goy
Cases where Psychic’s information finds body or makes arrest
November 18th, 2014 Awake Goy
Cases where Psychic’s information finds body or makes arrest by Eteponge » 28 Mar 2010, 05:28 Over the years I’ve heard and read many times from Skeptics that, “there isn’t a single case in all of recorded human history where a Psychic’s Information has led to the discovery of a body or an arrest in […]